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陆游多藏书、刻书,精于校勘、考证,所作藏书题跋极有文献价值,著述宏富。Luyou collected and inscribed a lot of books. He was good at emendation and textual research.

“题跋”是附于一定载体之后的短小灵活的杂记散文。The inscriptive writings are attaches after the certain carrier the short nimble miscellany prose.

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而他的书画题跋,其鉴赏意见、评判标准,至今也影响着人们对一些古代书画的看法。However, many of his ideas regarding the authentication and appreciation of particular paintings are erroneous.

本部分通过列举宋人题跋的例证,分别对其内容的诸方面及形式的诸特点作具体分析,以求对宋人的书迹题跋有较全面的认识。This part is to exemplify preface and postscript in Song dynasty and analyze the characteristics of its content and forms in details.

此题跋是记赵孟頫发愿抄经的原因,是为了期望能招福、修道、成就佛菩萨。The envoi depicts the reasons Mengfu made a wish to transcribe Buddhist scriptures were to call for happiness and gave devotions to the Buddha.

但当今的画坛现状是书法与绘画已逐步呈现“分家”的趋势,书法题跋对画家来说已是件“痛苦”的事。But now, calligraphy and painting have gradually show a new trend of "separation". Calligraphy inscription on the painting becomes a "painful" work to the painters.

自艺术角度观之,许多拓片本身即为优秀的艺术作品,尤其是收藏者的题跋及钤印,往往使得这些拓片更具美学上的价值。From the aesthetic perspective, many rubbings are excellent works of art in themselves. Besides, the comments and seals of collectors particularly add artistic value to these rubbings.

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其题画多以清新质朴、风趣诙谐见长,独特的题跋,表达了他对人生的体验,对生活的理解,对艺术的不懈追求以及他极富个性的审美情趣。His simple and humorous autographs in paintings and prefaces and afterwords express his experience and understanding of life, and continuous pursuit of art as well as his own aesthetics.

本文力图将梁章钜与业师翁方纲共置于当时的历史背景中,探究梁章钜与翁方纲的交游关系以及梁章钜的书法题跋所受翁方纲的影响。This thesis intends to probe into Liang Zhangju' s association with Weng Fanggang, his teacher , and the influence of Weng on Liang' s calligraphy annotations in this historic background.

古代大量的藏书题跋内容丰富,见解精到,学术性与文学性兼备,具有极高的学术价值。The numerous prefaces and postscripts of ancient books are very rich in contents, have unique insights, and hold both the academic and literary features, so they have an extremely high academic value.