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不要心怀不轨。Don't harbor unkind thoughts.

那个人行为不轨。That man acted against the law.

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他们的谈话有点儿心怀不轨。Their talk was slightly malicious.

很明显,钱能让人做出不轨行为。Clearly, money can be enable bad behavior.

父亲由于儿子行为不轨而责罚他。The father chastised his son for his misconduct.

他的口气暗示他已经发现她有不轨行为。His tone suggested hed caught her out in some misdemeanour.

她说了些暗示你儿子行为不轨的话。She made some remarks in allusion to your son's misconduct.

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如果某样东西能够被用于不轨勾当,那它就会被滥用,”福朗瑟斯说道。If something can be misused, it will be misused, " Frances says.

而且正如你们所了解的那样,在投票前也曾有不轨行为。There have been irregularities before the polling day, as you know.

纽约社会对生意场中不轨行为的谴责是毫不留情的。New York was inexorable in its condemnation of business irregularities.

我们相信,清晰从来无害,只有心怀不轨才会带来伤害。We believe that clarity never hurt as long as there are evil intentions.

如果检察官的不轨行为导致审判无效宁波翻译,再行起诉可能会被禁止。If prosecutorial misconduct results in a mistrial, a later prosecution may be barred.

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他全部坦白了年轻时的不轨行为,但事实上没多少要坦白的。He makes full confession of the misdeeds of his youth, but in fact there is not much to confess.

“人人都知道詹森的不良企图”或“人人都知道詹森心怀不轨”或“对于每个人来说,詹森的不良企图是显而易见的”。Who can tell me what's the mean of"Johnson' s vicious intent is obvious to everybody. "Thank you !

现在我明白了,民主不过是一个脆弱的理念,且极易受到心怀不轨之徒的利用。And I do learned that democracy is a fragile idea that can easily exploited by the corrupted and vicious.

华故作神秘向琼、梅借钱,荣误会其心怀不轨,当众斥责。Hua pretended to Joan, mei mysterious borrow, honor in hearts and irregular, misunderstanding the rebuke.

其中一名倭寇对蓁蓁欲行不轨时,闻道他们出现阻止了倭寇,并打晕了他们。One of the enemy to the pastor to misconduct, smell the way they appear to stop the enemy, and stun them.

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外面的世界新鲜陌生,单纯的响马结交了亲切热情的朋友、也遇到了心怀不轨的家伙。Strange to the outside world fresh, pure Xiang Ma made a warm and cordial friend, also met with evil guy.

“陛下,”赛尔弥说,“艾德·史塔克的确在您父亲的失势中扮演了角色,但是他别无不轨。"Your Grace, " said Selmy, "Eddard Stark played a part in your father's fall, but he bore you no ill will.

我于是意识到我之所以感觉到害怕和担心,都是因为那女鬼憎恨我,而那个男鬼又对我意图不轨。I realized that all those feelings of fear and apprehension I had stemmed from her hating me and him leering at me.