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玩火者必自焚。He who plays with fire gets burned.

玩火者必自焚。Whoever plays with fire gets burnt.

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接着他就引火自焚变成火球。He then lit himself and became a fireball.

他选择通过自焚来表示抗争。He chose to protest by way of self-immolation.

你好自为子吧,小心引火自焚了。You put best into it , the careful ignition immolated oneself.

那么我就作一个古印度人,在你的火葬堆上自焚。Then I should be an ancient Hindu, and burn myself on your pyre.

他的恋人,据说因受到警方的骚扰,曾企图自焚。His partner, reportedly hounded by the police, attempted self-immolation.

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令人惊讶的是,它们在森林火灾甚至自焚之后能恢复生长并且长势很好。Amazingly, they thrive after forest fires, even after they burn themselves.

那些童养媳有时会通过自焚来逃避包办婚姻。child brides sometimes set themselves on fire to escape arranged marriages.

在觉得没有其它选择的时候,她们选择自焚。"When they think there is no other option, they burn themselves, " she says.

传说中犯下的自焚行为可以追溯到几个世纪的人。Legends of people of committing the act of self-immolation date back centuries.

他以“玩火者必自焚”这么一句话结束了讨论。He closed the discussion with the remark that "he who plays with fire gets burnt".

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如果吉普森没忍住他的火爆脾气,那他将燃火自焚。If Gibson fails to keep a check on his temper, he could end up burnt at the stake.

2010年2月20日资料照片,印度警察正试图浇灭一名自焚抗议的学生身上的火。In this Feb. 20, 2010 file photo, Indian police try to douse fire as a student, S.

郑南榕的自焚事件,是台湾政治运动的分水岭。The Cheng Nan-jung self-immolation incident is a watershed in Taiwan's political movement.

他们应从这件事中吸取教训,玩火者必自焚。They should learn something from the matter, and somebody who plays with fire will get burnt.

他指出,很多自焚病人,包括法丽雅,都是从伊朗回来的难民。He points out that many of his patients, including Fawzia, are refugees who have returned from Iran.

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八月二十八号,一名妇女在泰米尔纳德自焚身亡,以抗议即将执行的绞刑。On August 28th a woman in Tamil Nadu burned herself to death to protest against the imminent hangings.

从一名突尼西亚小贩遭到当地警察无来由的取缔后,因而受不了而自焚开始。After a Tunisian vendor was banned by local police, he could not stand it and resorted to self-immolation.

山东省潍坊市的老师们把孩子们从袭击者身旁拉开,最后那名男子自焚身亡,发言人说到。Teachers in Weifang City, Shandong province, pulled the children away as the man died, the spokesman said.