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你知道文坛泰斗亚瑟·科南·道尔和罗伯特·伯恩斯有哪些共同之处吗?WHAT do literary greats Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Robert Burns have in common?

京剧泰斗程长庚发起了一次“整饬装具”运动。The Peking Opera Master Cheng Changgeng launched a movement of redressing modernizing the drama costumes.

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现今大多数智力研究专家喜欢用g作为智力的关键定义,可能与这些心理学泰斗的实验研究成果分不开。Partly because of this research, most intelligence experts now use g as the working definition of intelligence.

佛家文化深厚,它的不仅影响现代常语言中,甚至让现代学界泰斗怯步。The buddhist culture, it's not only influence the modern languages, often even modern scholars mogul slow-down.

而佛学泰斗印顺法师则毕其一生对佛教的教理、教史、教制进行了全面系统的研究。But Master Yin Shun researched theories of Buddhism, history of Buddhism and discipline of Buddhism systematically.

电影界泰斗达里尔·扎纳克1946年预测人们将不再需要电视,因为人们会因为每晚都盯着这种夹板状的盒子看而感到厌倦。TV won't last because people would, "soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night" –Darryl Zanuck in 1946

十四个医学泰斗满怀希望地盯着吞了一根鱼刺的少年的痛苦而失去知觉的脸上看。Fourteen great medical men stared hopefully at the pinched and unconscious face of a boy who had swallowed a fish bone.

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深圳市人民政府副市长梁道行、中国玩具协会会长石晓光、香港玩具业泰斗林亮先生在年会上做了重要讲话和致词。Shek and the Hong Kong toy industry highly respected person Mr. Lam delivered their speech accordingly and inspired a lot.

就在这两个死对头为了赢得同一个女孩儿的芳心而大打出手的时候,小悟空在武泰斗老师的帮助下又获得了新的力量。While the two rivals battle for the affections of the same girl, Goku attempts a new power with the help of Master Mutaito.

这个原则使人联想到马基维利,一个以擅长写作于政治家才能与权力分析而出名的泰斗。This principle is associated with Machiavelli, who is most famous for writing an analysis of statesmanship and power, The Prince.

给你们介绍这两位心理学泰斗,并不只是想让大家了解心理学史。I have zero interest in describing historical figures in psychology just for the sake of telling you about the history of the field.

他是麻省理工大学核能科学与工程学院院长,全球核专家之泰斗。Professor Richard Lester is the head of the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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中国想要成为清洁技术全球泰斗的决心与它对环境问题的关注并不关联,而是取决于其国内的工作机会。China’s determination to become the global leader in clean tech has little to do with concerns for the environment and everything to do with jobs.

欧阳修是光耀千古的文学巨匠、史学大师和百科全书式的学术泰斗。Ouyang Xiu was a great master of literature and history, and a cyclopaedic leading authority in academy who would be glorious for thousands of years.

全国160位男科医学领域的泰斗、教授、博导组成的强大的专家顾问团,定期前来举行名医会诊。The national 160 bits of medicine field, male, professor, doctoral nurtured composed of strong expert panel, regularly baby-sits hold medical consultation.

其留学生中出现了中国近代史上一大批专家学者和泰斗名宿,他们为北洋大学的建设和发展作出了重要贡献。Many famous experts and celebrated scholars in Chinese modern history came from these students, they also had given great contribution to the university development.

据新华社报道,罗丹、凡·高等7位法国艺术泰斗的7件传世名作将远涉重洋,在2010年上海世博会期间在法国馆展出。The French government will send the works of 7 French masters, such as Auguste Rodin and Vincent Van Gogh, to China for the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, Xinhua reported.

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陪审团将听取史蒂夫乔布斯的证言,这位苹果的创始人不顾自己身体欠佳,将通过录像作证,另外,嘻哈泰斗吉米艾文也将出庭作证。The jury will hear evidence from Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, who despite his health problems will give evidence via video link, and the hip-hop mogul Jimmy Iovine.

我非常荣幸,今天能请到安妮-玛丽·斯劳特院长来做客,身为国际法律和国际关系领域泰斗,她同时还是作家,评论家和教育学家。I am pleased and honored to have as my guest Dean Anne-Marie Slaughter, a leading scholar of International Law and International Relations, author, commentator, educator.

我非常荣幸,今天能请到安妮-玛丽·斯劳特院长来做客,身为国际法律和国际关系领域泰斗,她同时还是作家,评论家和教育学家。I am pleased and honored to have as my guest Dean Anne-Marie Slaughter, a leading scholar of International Law and International Relations, author, commentator, educator.