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向某人提供谋事的详情。Fill sb in on sth.

一场事故发生了,但我们还不知道详情。The accident happened at 3p. m.

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详情请阅读海关费用。Read more about the customs fees.

欲知详情,请参看11页。For more information, see page 11.

预知定价和运送详情请点击这里。Pricing and shipping details here.

更多详情请阅读“细节”。Read more details about the exams.

详情请和来人面洽。For details, please see the bearer.

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昂达拒绝透露详情。Onda declined to provide specifics.

详情容后再告。Permit me to give the details later.

详情请见下一贴文,谢谢!PLEASE see the next post for details.

计划详情请参阅附件的PDF。Please see attached Project Details PDF.

详情请至常见问题解答一节。For details please go to the FAQ section.

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详情向本办事处洽询。For further details, apply to this office.

请仔细阅读招标书附详情。Please read attached RFP for more details.

欲知更多详情,请点击阅读贺拉斯德迪欧的分析结果。Want more? Read Horace Dediu's analysis at.

我希望听到你这次奇遇的详情。I wish to hear the details of your adventure.

时间表会因时更改,详情请联络本会。Please contact us for the up-dated timetable.

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请以另页纸阐明详情。Please give full details on a separate sheet.

母亲于昨晚安全到达,详情函告。Mother arrive safely last night letter follow.

宇宙正在创造一切的详情显示!The Show's Datails of Cosmos Is Createing All!