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万念俱灰。All ambitions are blasted.

而令我万念俱灰的是,她还真找到了一份工作。And to my utter dismay she got a job.

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万念俱灰的时候,我学会了生存。I learned to live when i thought it better to die..

或许万念俱灰只是他情绪波动的一个极端吧。Maybe, his apathy signals he is at the negative extremity of a mood swing.

快乐是万念俱灰、悲苦、恐惧、嫉妒、愤怒、憎恶不存的状态。Happiness is the absence of apathy, grief, fear, jealousy, anger, and hate.

人生有两个悲剧,一个是万念俱灰,另一个是踌躇满志。——萧伯纳。There are two tragedies in life, one is desperation, the other one is hopeful.

这一回,我觉得万念俱灰,简直失去了生活的希望。This time, I feel to be utterly disheartened, lost the hope of the life simply.

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而一度过分沉浸于叔本华和尼采的哲学,使他看起来万念俱灰。After an overdose of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, he seemed to yearn for nullity.

史奈德想起,她父亲回到他们在小公寓的家,看起来万念俱灰。Ms. Snyder recalled her father coming home to their small apartment utterly despondent.

我所有的财产都付之一炬,我从此万念俱灰。My entire worldly wealth was swallowed up, and I resigned myself thenceforward to despair.

尚九城要那云飞立刻回江北,那云飞感到万念俱灰。Is to fly straight back to the cloud nine Jiangbei, the flying cloud was All thoughts are blasted.

面对市里一切的人都在谈论卡丁与卢伊萨私奔的事,埃达感到万念俱灰。Facing the city people are talking about all KaDing and Lou issa to elope, eda feel in desperation.

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他没有万念俱灰,放毒气,喝得烂醉或者在我的地板上找皱巴巴的内裤。No disillusionment in him passing gas, drinking too much or seeing his rumpled underwear on my floor.

万念俱灰的小东断然与女友分手,随小璐来到了黄土高坡。Those who be utterly disheartened is small east part company with cummer absolutely, sui Xiaolu comes to loess tall slope.

姗姗看见文彦的短信,心中万念俱灰,只觉得整个世界都背叛了她,生命曾经不再有任何意义。Shanshan saw WenYan of message, heart apathy, but I feel the whole world is betrayed her, life had no longer has any meaning.

王丽婷在得知情人被双规以后,自己也受了牵连,万念俱灰,选择了自杀。Wang Liting is in insider by dual regulation later, oneself also suffered embroil, be utterly disheartened, chose to commit suicide.

我将她抱起,沐浴着这腐朽的香气,缓缓步向这道令人万念俱灰长廊这道通向无尽的长廊。And I picked her up smelled the scent of decay walked slowy towards the long corridor of unconsciousness that stretched to the endless.

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失败不会使我万念俱灰,灰心丧气,它只会让我更加的有信心,更加的有勇气,渡过一个又一个难关。Failure does not make me despair, discouragement, it only makes me more confidence, more of the courage, through one impasse after another.

「他现在整个人万念俱灰,」赫德警长说,他保证会彻查此事,而且会加派新守卫来防止类似事件重演。"He's a broken man right now, " Sheriff Helder said, promising a thorough investigation and new safeguards to prevent a similar occurrence.

帕斯金万念俱灰,无法继续在匈牙利待下去,便于数日之后再次启程,徒步偷偷穿越了多个边境,最后到了巴黎。A few days later, too heartsick to remain any longer in Hungary, he set out on foot again, stealing across border after border until he reached Paris.