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这个斗牛士真是死里逃生。The matador had a narrow escape.

我们报恩的时候到了,扔出蜂巢你就能死里逃生。Throw our beehive and we'll save you.

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后来,罗丝从沉船的灾难中死里逃生。Later, Rose came out of the shipwreck alive.

海员们从狂风暴雨的大海中死里逃生。The sailors cheated death in the stormy seas.

有胆有识的人死里逃生。Those who have brains and courage come through all right.

他得以死里逃生似有神助。He had been saved from death as if by divine intervention.

他在世界贸易大厦倒塌前一刻死里逃生。He escaped from the World Trade Center before it collapsed.

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他的车沉入水中,但是特德·肯尼迪本人却死里逃生。The car sank in the water but Ted Kennedy was able to escape.

我于是死里逃生,从阴阳界上又转了回来。Thus I escaped with bare life, coming back from the door of death.

天行者死里逃生,没有成为万帕的食物,也没有死在霍斯的风雪中。Skywalker narrowly escaped becoming a meal and dying in a Hoth blizzard.

一个死里逃生的西域商客从沙漠中逃到绿洲。A survivor of the Western business passenger fled from the desert to oasis.

他走了以后,夏洛蒂长长的松了一口气,终于死里逃生了。Charlotte felt greatly relieved to see him go. It had been a narrow escape.

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结束前七天没有人认为卡利亚里将是死里逃生的那个。No one thought that Cagliari could have been saved seven days before the end.

欲知一秒钟的价值,不妨问问那个刚从事故中死里逃生的人。To realize the value of one second, ask the person who has just survived an accident.

孟加拉人民联盟领导者哈西娜,向来就有死里逃生的历史。Hasina, the 62-year-old leader of the left-of-center Awami League, has a history of surviving.

周先生说,许多被窒息的工人企图爬出矿井,只有三四人死里逃生。Many suffocated trying to crawl out of the tunnel, Mr. Zhou said. Only three or four survived.

然而,温弗莉也采访那些在大灾大难中死里逃生的普通人,倾听他们的寻常故事。Yet Winfrey also covered regular stories of ordinary people surviving extraordinary catastrophes.

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但是伤员和死里逃生的乘客们说,他们已经得出了自己的结论。But the injured and the survivors of the dead say they have already reached their own conclusions.

大林死里逃生,却被敌人骗杀了最亲密的战友,曾经的勇气与信念瞬间被摧毁。Chose, but was cheated by the enemy to kills closest ally, has courage and faith instantly destroyed.

费特“死里逃生”后重拾盔甲与名望,再次干起追逐赏金的行当。Fett reclaimed his armor and his reputation, returning from the "dead, " and again taking on bounties.