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盗版问题是根深蒂固的。The problem is deep-rooted.

那么,这是一张盗版碟了。Then, it must be a pirate copy.

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政府正在制定新策打击网络盗版。New rules to fight online pirates.

中国打击盗版终于动真格了?Is China Finally Getting Tough on Piracy?

如果你这么干,你也许就可以杜绝盗版了。If you did that, you’d kill piracy. Probably.

版权所有,盗版必究。All rights reserved, pirates must investigate.

从一个小贩那里?那么,这一定是一张盗版碟了。From a vendor? Then, it must be a pirate copy.

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图1。我们大家都知道盗版是违法的。Fig1. It is known to all that pirate is illegal.

取而代之,他们看盗版光碟或者在网上冲浪。Instead, they watch pirated DVDs or surf the Web.

在录像机刚刚发明时,好莱坞甚至想起诉录像机的制造商,因为他们太怕盗版了。They were even considering suing the VCR producers.

未经审查的盗版碟在街头就能买到。Uncensored bootleg copies are peddled on the streets.

公司制定了禁止使用盗版软件的规定。The company has put on a ban on using pirated software.

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以后别再买盗版碟就是了。Just don't buy any pirate copies any more in the future.

没有。我买的是盗版,没有使用手册?No, I bought a bootleg version, so I don't have a manual.

销量上升也只是反盗版运动的一部分。And it is just part of a blizzard of anti-piracy activity.

即使非盗版,中国书价也非常便宜。Books are very cheap in China, even for non-bootleg stuff.

用惯了盗版与吃惯了“霸王餐”有什么不一样吗?What's the difference between pirate and "overlord meal" ?

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仿制品,抢了正版风光和利益的,谓之盗版。Mimic copies grabs the interest and fame are called pirate.

这个骗局是政治问题却也是盗版问题。The trick will be to become political but remain piratical.

我的小叔在夜市买了一些盗版的CD。My brother-in-law bought some pirated CDs at a night market!