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是什么引发的闪回?What is the trigger?

所以杠杆性引发风险So, leverage brings risk.

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吃香肠会引发旋毛虫病。Sausage can cause trichinosis.

这引发了我的问题。This brings me to my question.

一个流浪汉的梦想引发了一个帝国的终结A Hobo's Dream, An Empire's End

现在,这只会引发悲叹。Now it gives rise to jeremiads.

引发头痛的原因是什么?What is causing headachy cause?

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一个劣质的挂锁引发一个撬锁者。A bad padlock invites a picklock.

不,吃糖并不会引发糖尿病。No, sugar doesn't cause diabetes.

无心的快语可能引发争执。A careless word may kindle strife.

刚才是他引发的争吵,嗯,说不定是你。He started it. Well, maybe you did.

过分任性会引发冲突。Overindulgence may cause conflicts.

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印度核潜艇下水将引发军备竞赛。Indian N-sub will trigger arms race.

这个烟头引发了一场大火。The dog-end gave rise to a big fire.

我认为我有很强的观察力,能从小事引发出有趣的想法。I have very strong observation power.

在这种情况下,引发一个异常。In this case, an exception is thrown.

你想知道网球员肘病是怎样引发的吗?Want to see how tennis elbow happens?

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结肠癌会引发肺积水吗?Can colonic cancer cause lobar seeper?

风险越高越能引发......更高的风险Higher risk leads to . . . higher risk

他的言词终于引发了她的敌意。His word finally foment her hostility.