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不少美国公司和机构为职工供应咖啡,大杯牛饮,分文不取。Many Usa Inc and institutions for worker supply coffee mug of drink, free of charge.

现有的公立寄宿学校还要收取餐饮费和住宿费,而杜兰德却是分文不取。Existing state boarding schools charge for food and lodging. This one will be entirely free.

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每年三月五日,本服装店举行为民义务裁剪活动,分文不取。On March 5 every year, our clothing store undertakes to cut out garments free for the people.

当你对工作具有激情的时候,即使分文不取也照做不误。When you're passionate about your work, it feels like you would do it even if no one were paying you.

我说兄弟们,要是你们是王子的话,我保证免费奉上分文不取,不忽悠。Man, if any of you were princes, I'd totally be giving it away for free, straight up. You don't even know.

如“摩韦恩男声合唱团”每个周五就会齐聚献唱,分文不取,纯粹为了分享歌曲的喜悦而唱。Members of the Moelwyn Male Voice Choir, for example, meet every other Friday and perform without pay beyond the joy of sharing their song.

妇人娓娓道来,“当时我身上的钱不够吃一顿饭,在我拒绝你的邀请的时候,你已经用饭盒给我盛满了饭菜,并且分文不取。I did not have enough money on me to pay for a meal—and amid my protests—you served me lunch in a box to be taken away. You did not take any money.

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令人惊讶的是,大多数的“无国界通讯传播”的职员分文不取-无薪酬,但,他们那种助人为乐的雷锋精神和丞救他人的生命是他们获得的最大的奖偿。Remarkably , most of the TSF staff does not get paid—with money, that is. But the satisfaction of helping others and changing lives is often a great reward in itself.

当他不再只为自己照相并且用他毕生的时间来服务人民却分文不取时,他开始变的很伟大并且成为了这个国家之父。When he stopped serving himself, and turned himself wholly to risking his life without pay for the liberty of all, he became truly honorable, and the father of his country.

出狱后他就来到牧师所在的教会,是虔诚和忠实的信徒,他开始做生意,帮人翻修屋顶,所有的收入都捐给了教会,自己分文不取。After being released from prison, he joined their church and became a pious and faithful brother. He also started a small business as a roofer and donated all his income to the church.

他们分文不取,但却向国王提出基本的驻扎要求,请求国王允许他们住在神庙废墟的马厩中。Althoughunpaid and sworn to poverty, the Knights told the king they required basic shelter and requested hispermission to take up residence in the stables under the ruins of the temple.