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这将成为他们世仇最终的胜负。It would be the ultimate tiebreaker in their feud.

对这场血海世仇继续装作视而不见是奥巴马承受不起的。Obama cannot afford to keep ignoring this blood feud.

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隔天,利物浦对上世仇,曼彻斯特联队。One day later, Liverpool was away at arch-rival Manchester United.

他的名字叫罗密欧,是你们家族最大的世仇蒙特鸠家族的儿子。His name is Romeo, son of your family's worst enemy, the Montagues.

当地媒体称,近几年这个村子出现了家族间的世仇。Local media said there had been a feud between families in the village in recent years.

V代表世仇,为大本钟和伦敦邮政大厦的轰炸而欢呼雀跃。V for Vendetta, after all, celebrates the bombing of Big Ben and the Post Office tower.

但是什麽对于提高松坂大辅的价钱有帮助都是好的,是美国世仇的对抗。But what helped to drive up Matsuzaka's price was a good, old-fashioned American rivalry.

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西佐与达斯·维德尊主间的世仇几乎断送整个组织。Xizor's personal vendetta against Lord Darth Vader nearly scuttled the entire organization.

他们彼此深深相爱,但双方坎普莱特和蒙塔古两个家族是世仇,怎能容许他们相爱。But their families, the Capulets and the Montagues, are enemies and will not allow them to be together.

家人之间的关系神圣不可侵犯,即使有着仇深似海的家族世仇,亲属之间的关爱最终还是不会改变。Family ties are sacrosanct and , even in the midst of a bitter family feud , kin will ultimately always look out for kin.

苏援和苏联理念对索马里有着深远的影响力,美国对其邻居——世仇埃塞俄比亚的大量军事援助也在火上浇油。Powerful influence of Soviet aid andideology, which was assisted greatly by U.S. military aid to hostile neighborEthiopia.

然而,洋基与红袜两队世仇兢争的热情是天生的,周五夜�,再度令人热血沸腾。But passion is the lifeblood of the rivalry between the Yankees and the Boston Red Sox, and that blood was still boiling Friday.

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该书的副标题是发生埃克斯穆尔国家公园的浪漫故事,本书中的故事由约翰·瑞德讲述,他的父亲被无法无天的杜恩杀害,于是结下世仇。Subtitled A Romance of Exmoor, the story is told by John Ridd, whose father was killed by the lawless Doones. A lifelong feud results.

华小文愕然,举起斧子冲向金山,几乎手足相残,世仇虽然得报,但兄弟之间的隔阂已然产生。HuaXiaoWen startled, raised his ax to jinshan, diocletian augustus, almost to his feud though, but the gap between the brothers is generated.

一年后禁令解除,因为布拉格博士听说他的世仇鲍林对DNA结构也很热衷。The ban was reversed a year later only when Dr. Bragg learned that Pauling, his longtime rival, was also hot on the trail of the DNA structure.

延续了数个世纪的世仇导致了血腥的仇杀,这使狼人不也许再联合到同时。Rivalries that started centuries ago continue even today as blood feuds that prevent the Garou from achieving the unity that would make them unstoppable.

带着和凯尔特人过去的世仇,湖人今晚身着上世纪80年代的复古球衣迎战对手,可惜最后以91-110惨败。The Lakers, playing with throwback uniforms from the 1980s along with the tiny trunks that used to be all the rage, lost badly, 110-91, to the Boston Celtics.

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尽管欧文为利物浦曾经打入158粒进球,豪夺“五冠王”,红军球迷依然不会忘记欧文的举动,加盟世仇曼联。Reds supporters have not forgiven him for joining bitter rivals Manchester United, despite the fact that he scored 158 goals and helped them win five major trophies.

现代版故事剧情,原著中的宿敌蒙特格家族与凯普莱特家族因2000年在不知名的英国集镇的一起致命车祸而从此结下世仇。And so two families named after the original adversaries the Montagues and Capulets have loathed each other for years after a fatal car crash in an unnamed English market town in 2000.