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老年并没有蒙胧了他的记忆。Old age has not dimmed his memory.

老年并没有蒙胧了他的记忆。Twenty years had not dimmed his memory.

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他就怀着这种抑郁的心思蒙胧睡去。With that melancholy conclusion he had nodded off.

一艘自由轮满载着睡意蒙胧、宿醉的水兵来到。A liberty boat full of sleepy hungover sailors came.

冰冷的风肆意的吞噬着这蒙胧的夜。The icy wind is deliberately devouring the vague night.

蒙胧中他仿佛听到有人敲门。While he was half asleep, he seemed to hear a knock on the door.

第二张画,前景是一座蒙胧的小山The second picture contained for foreground only the dim peak of a hill

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玛莉泪眼蒙胧,在黑暗中蹒跚而行。With her eyes be dimmed with tears, Mary stumbled along in the darkness.

而位于柴达木盆地东部的茶卡盐湖在蒙胧的月光映衬下却散发别样的光彩。While Qaidam Basin in the East of the Salt Lake and KEKE in hazy moon relieved but very sporadic.

一位年轻女子,穿着软绒衣装,睡眼蒙胧,等待着一艘朝它驶来的帆船。A young woman, neatly attired in outing clothes, eyes softened by dreaming, awaits a sailboat headed toward her.

第二张画,前景是一座蒙胧的小山,草和叶子倾斜着,仿佛被风吹动似的。The second picture contained for foreground only the dim peak of a hill, will grass and leaves slanting as by a breeze.

第二张画,前景是一座蒙胧的小山,草和叶子倾斜着,仿佛被微风吹动似的。The second picture contained for foreground only the dim peak of a hill, with grass and leaves slanting as if by a breeze.

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我的作品因此在表达一些蒙胧混沌的事物与空间,它说不清,道不尽,在我的心中,却是存在的。My works express some vastness and vagueness of the matter and space. I can not tell the reason. But in my heart, there actually exist.

基督教信仰是那麽伟大的一件事,所以若有人遇见其中晦暗蒙胧之处,而嫌麻烦不去探究的话,就不应该让他得著。Religion is so great a thing that it is right that those who will not take the trouble to seek it if it be obscure, should be deprived of it.

太阳在遥远的天边缓缓升出水面,随后,在蒙胧的晨曦中,索尔和休听到了世界上最动听的声音。In the distance the sun was beginning to rise above the water and , in the faint early morning light, Sue and Saul heard the most wonderful sounds.

托尼和母亲来到农场里的房子那儿,穿过房子前的庭院。小鸡正在四处觅食。一只胖胖的白猫坐在墙上,睡眼蒙胧地看着他们。Tony and his mother arrived at the farmhouse and walked through the farmyard. Chikens were looking for food. A fat white cat sat on a wall and watched them with sleepy eyes.

也许只有天上的繁星明白你的美丽,也许只有天的蒙胧,才能够诠释你爱的深邃,玲,天堂的新娘,一路走好。Perhaps the only heaven you understand the beauty of the stars, perhaps only days Blur, you will be able to interpret the profound love, -ling, the bride of heaven, all the way well.

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老公,就是那个星期六早晨你睡眼蒙胧去卫生间,他突然从门角跳出来抱你将你吓一大跳的“可恨男人”。The husband is on that Saturday morning you sleep an eye to receive Long to go to a health, he suddenly the Cape jumps out to embrace you from the door you frighten a greatly jump of"hateful man".