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尴尬的或震惊的。Embarassed or shocked.

有点小尴尬。It's a little awkward.

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他是如此的尴尬。He was so embarrassed!!!

一时间出现了令人尴尬的冷场。There is an awkward pause.

你尴尬吗,还是感觉受了伤害?。Are you embarassed or hurt?

真令人尴尬。It was really embarrassing.

蚂蚁发现这令人尴尬。Ants find this embarrassing.

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用掉是另一个尴尬的用词。Use is another awkward word.

克莱尔显得有些尴尬“不好意思,是我心急了。Clare is abashed. “I’m sorry!

除此之外,每个人都会感到尴尬。Besides, everyone feels awkward.

你知道你令我尴尬么?Do know you are embarrassing me?

那时,我的处境十分尴尬。I stood in an awkward position then.

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朱建白认为这是一个尴尬。"It was an embarrassment," Zhu said.

他对尴尬的处境付之一笑。He laughed off the awkward situation!

在那一刻,他感到如此尴尬。He felt so embarrassed at that moment.

他的不雅的吃相使她很尴尬。His bad table manners embarrassed her.

不说得你尴尬我不叫李翠莲。I can speak until you are embarrassed.

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尴尬人做尴尬事。Embarrassed Person do Embarrassed Thing.

尴尬的问题会使人感到不安。Embarrassing questions cause discomfort.

蛮尴尬的。退一步说。That was very awkward, to say the least.