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这是一种表达建议的方式。It's a suggestion.

又是这个表达That phrase again.

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在向太阳表达敬意。In honor of the sun!

表达的是焦虑It illustrates angst.

第一,表达谢意。One, express gratitude.

每天都表达谢意。Express gratitude daily.

这里表达了几件事It shows several things.

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"talking"的另一种表达法。Another word for talking.

用文字表达你的爱。Put your love in writing.

使用“如果-那么”的表达方式。Use "If-Then" statements.

用空中文字表达。Giant words in skywriting.

表达清晰的期望。Express clear expectations.

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我可以完全的自我表达。I can express myself fully.

表达性艺术治疗,In Expressive Arts Therapy,

他表达了他的苦恼。He telegraphed his distress.

他这里是在表达什么,凯特?What does he mean here Kate?

我是否可以向你表达我无限的敬意“May I express thee unblam'd?"

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这是一个古老的表达方式。The expression is an old one.

是能表达出一定意义的。Which expressions make sense.

"快乐"一词还不足以表达我的心情,我是乐不可支,飘飘欲仙。"Enjoyed" is too mild a word.