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让一切远去。化为云烟。Let all away. Yunyan into.

望长空,死寂当作雷电,云烟视为平途。Look the sky, dead as lightning, and clouds as flat way.

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在空间的布势上,中国画家偏爱云烟。Deployment in space, the Chinese painter Yunyan preference.

却道,一场繁华终将散,梦里云烟。However, a prosperous and scattered, the mist in your dream.

人们的紧张关系将成为过往云烟。conflict would be eliminated, tension become a thing of the past.

所谓往事如云烟过往,君却慢走,我且不送!The past events like the mist passing, you are walking, and I don't!

茫茫渺渺的人生何必为爱情悲苦,希望一切变云烟重新创造好前程。He's the life why love, hope everything becomes lost vapour to create good future.

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只因为人们觉得食盐里的碘能中和放射性云烟的危害。Why? Because people thought the iodine in the salt could counteract a radioactive haze.

望眼欲穿,千里云烟的思念。面朝北方,想你,在春暖花开的季节。Wistfully, Trinidad Yunyan miss. Facing the north, like you, in the spring of the season.

本品主要通过乙醇萃取成品的云烟浸膏制得净油。It is mainly extracted by ethanol extract of the finished product obtained Absolute clouds.

这些令我们不寒而栗的境况大都转眼即逝,化为淡淡云烟。These made us shiver all over though not cold circumstances are fleeting, into a light mist.

云烟净油的香气纯度、色泽、溶解度及有效物质含量均优于云烟浸膏。Absolute purity of clouds aroma, color, solubility and effective extract material contents than clouds.

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昨日已成过往云烟,明日仍然前途未卜,唯有今日乃上天赐予的礼物。那就是为什么,把握当下最重要!Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present!

一条条柳枝随风飘动,白色的云烟在灯光的衬托下不断变换着颜色。Panicum be a fluttering wind, Yunyan white under the light of the constantly changing background colors.

过雨云烟,讲述的应当就是一种巫山云雨枉断肠的怅然吧!A rain cloud, tells the story of a heartbroken should be said of having sexual intercourse be disappointed!

埃塞俄比亚的撒马里附近,耕牛群在牧民的驱赶之下在碳烤般的丹那克里沙漠里扬起阵阵云烟。Zebu cattle driven by Afar herdsmen raise clouds of dust in the baked Danakil Desert near Semerea, Ethiopia.

走过一段长长的路,身后早已是模糊的云烟,那些或深或浅的脚印,都是属于自己的。Walked da long way, already behind the fuzzy nature of the clouds, or deep or shallow footprints, is our own.

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云烟雾霭使静止的物体运动起来,有了云烟就有了一气贯注之势,有了活力。Yunyan mist movement so that static objects, and have absorbed Yunyan have a tendency to stretch, with vigor.

把寒凉轻盈在过往的云烟里,把牵念温暖在掌心的纹路里,以静水深流的姿势,安然着幸福。The cold light in the past Yunyan, Qiannian warm in the palm lines and to keep the posture, Enron with happiness.

在改良水稻土中表现最好的品种为9601,在水稻土中表现最好的品种为云烟87。The performance of variety 9601 was best in the improved paddy soil and that of variety Yunyan87 was best in paddy soil.