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让我直接引述他的话。Let me just quote him.

引述与引用写法也各异。In-text citations also vary.

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我再引述他另一句更长的话。Let me quote him in greater length.

难道华尔街日报把他的话引述错误了?Did the Wall Street Journal misquote him?

它来自条顿语,这一猜测基于一条古拉丁语的引述。Teutonic, based on an old Latin quote, or

让我引述一些史实然后摆出我的观点。Let me premise my argument with a bit of history.

人可能是真的,但是引述是假的。The people might be real, but the quotes are not.

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关于这个问题,我想引述当代的一个例子。I wish on this subject to adduce a modern example.

那喜剧演员的脱口妙语被引述在报纸上。The comedian's ad-libs were quoted in the newspaper.

他引述了几位密歇根大学学生的话。He quotes some students from the University of Michigan.

这份声明引述马苏的话,“我十分开心。”"I am very happy," the statement quoted Massu as saying.

唯一的格式约束是字符串被引述。The only format constraints are that the string be quoted.

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他经常引述的国家和全球的新闻点。He is frequently quoted in national and global news outlets.

这位政治家抱怨报纸错误地引述了他讲的话。The politician complained that the newspapers had misquoted him.

圣经的引述是教理讲授的工具之一。Such Biblical references are a valuable working-tool in catechesis.

当你任何时候引述维基百科上的内容作为事实所做的免责声明。A disclaimer for any time you quote something from Wikipedia as fact.

他引述了像家禽剔杀和免疫这样的控制战略。He cites control strategies such as culling and vaccination of birds.

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他引述了现在回想起来是我最糟糕的公开声明。He repeated what, in retrospect, was one of my worst public statements.

电视或者广播新闻编辑通常会删减掉那些引述,因为他们只有10秒钟时间。TV and radio news editors often cut quotes so they take only 10 seconds.

这位政府发言人抱怨报纸错误地引述了他讲的话。The government speaker complained that the newspapers had misquoted him.