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因战败而绝望。Despair in Defeat.

不过也是战败的一方But party to a defeat.

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延误使他们战败。The delay lost them the battle.

战败的名单无穷尽。The list of failures was endless.

敌人因战败而拼死挣扎。The enemy grew desperate at the defeat.

原因不仅是它在两次世界大战中战败。It was not just defeat in two world wars.

他知道自己已经战败,羞愧地离开了。Knowing he was defeated, he left feeling shamed.

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德国和日本战败后,被解除武装。Germany and Japan were disarmed after their defeat.

投降的白旗表示公开宣称战败。The white flag of surrender is an avowal of defeat.

但我的仁慈随时准备赐予战败者。But my clemency is ever prompt to stoop to the vanquished.

曹操仓惶战败,几乎死在溃逃途中。Cao Cao lost horribly and almost got killed on the way back.

不过,那是胜利者对战败者的审判。However, that was a case of the victors trying the defeated.

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日本战败后,中国又经历了长年的自我破坏。After Japan was defeated, Chinese spent years self-destructing.

惊破天战败,然则某种神秘力量开始修复他受损意识。Galvatron is defeated, but something begins to repair his mind.

童年的YUKI曾经是幸福的,无奈日本战败,赖家际遇一落千丈。The childhood YUKI was happy, but Japans defeat, lai real home.

帕利斯战败逃离战场后,她的感觉是既爱又卑视。After Paris fled the field she had the feelings of love and scorn.

战败之后,附近奥伦堡市的普加乔夫亲自参观了这个工厂。After the defeat near Orenburg Pugachev himself visited the plant.

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波斯人在米卡里的战败唤醒了亚洲的希腊城邦。The defeat of the Persians at Mycale roused the Greek cities of Asia.

战败使它可以质疑任何问题,从头再建。Defeat made it possible to question everything and rebuild from scratch.

战败的军队是否能够通过德胜门入城?Do the troops who lost the war can still go through the Deshengmen Gate?