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我们必须尽力消耗敌人的有生力量。We must consume all strength of enemy.

我们首先必须消灭敌人的有生力量。We must try our best to consume enemy effectives.

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我们首先必须消灭敌人的有生力量。We must first of all destroy the enemy effectives.

他们歼灭了敌军大批有生力量。They knocked out a large number of enemy effectives.

我们首先必须消灭敌人的有生力量。We must first of all destroy the enemy's effectives.

我们深知诗歌是地球村的有生力量。We know poetry is a vital force in the global community.

城市女性农民工已经成为城市建设的有生力量。The female migrant workers have become the effective strength in urban construction.

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高校科技创新是国家科技创新体系的有生力量。Higher school science and technology innovation base is a piece of effective strength in China.

以歼灭敌人有生力量为主要目标,不以夺取城市为主要目标。Destruction of the enemy's forces and not the capture of cities is the most important objective.

它消耗了日军大量的有生力量,其中万家岭战役全歼日军一个整编师团。A lot of Japanese living forces were killed, of which In thd Wanjialing Battle, a whole reorganized.

只有歼灭了敌人的有生力量,才能最后保住或夺取城市和地方。Only by wiping out the enemy's effective strength can cities or localities be finally held or seized.

加农炮对敌军防御设施和有生力量都能进行致命打击,可发射实心或开花炮弹。The typical 'cannon' is powerful and good against both units and defences. Capable of firing solid and explosive shots.

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在此基础上,形成最基础的交易平台,扩大广告销售规模,由此,实时交易平台如今已成长为互联网广告行业新的有生力量。From there, basic exchanges emerged, increasing the scale of ad sales, and real-time exchanges have become the latest turn of the wheel.

苦钢见黑火家族的有生力量消散于风中,就建立了黄金团来使放逐者们团结起来。Bittersteel saw the strength of House Blackfyre scattering to the four winds, so he formed the Golden Company to bind the exiles together.

中等职业学校的学生是我国青少年的重要组成部分,是我国未来产业大军的有生力量。Secondary vocational school students is an important part of our young people, is the effective strength of China's future industrial army.

作战时,车队围成环形防御工事,弓弩部队则安全位于工事内远程杀伤敌军有生力量。Used defensively these wagons are formed into a circle creating an effective barricade from which troops can fire upon the enemy in relative safety.

只有歼灭敌人的有生力量才能打破“围剿”和发展革命根据地。Only by annihilating the enemy's effective strength can we smash his "encirclement and suppression" campaigns and expand our revolutionary base areas.

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我们非常努力的要把全欧洲最好的年轻球员带来俱乐部,我确信他们能够成为英超中的有生力量。We worked very hard to bring the best young players in Europe to the club and I am convinced they have the quality to be a force in the Premier League.

边界少数民族过去是、现在仍是保卫边疆、巩固国防的有生力量。The ethnic groups in the area bordered with Vietnam were, are and will be the effective strength to protect the security of the boundary areas and the Nation.

新加坡精密加工行业从PEAC的服务中受益非浅,已经一跃成为一支活跃在国际舞台的有生力量。The Singapore precision engineering industry has benefited tremendously from PEAC's services and has transformed into a formidable force in the international arena.