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以纸巾拭除残留在面上的按摩霜。Gently wipe off with a tissue.

他是我义大利通心面上的起司。He is the cheese to my macaroni.

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这些都是写在纸面上的要求。These are the requirements on paper.

他把面上的漆刮掉。He scraped the paint from the surface.

下一道手续是在墙面上涂抹一层沙浆。I am not a good painter but I like to daub.

水积满地面上的洼坑。Water filled the depressions in the ground.

轴颈在轴承面上摩擦。The journal rubs against the bearing surface.

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我面上的黑眼圈,是因为我刚才打过架。I have a black eye because I get into a fight.

你要加些乳酪在你的义大利面上吗?Would you like to add some cheese to your spaghetti?

在荞麦面上洒上海带及配以调味料伴食。Put the seaweed on top of the soba and serve with dip.

而“深水地平线”的失败则使整个美国都觉面上无光。Deepwater Horizon's failure demoralized the whole nation.

墙面上的红漆已经脱落了不少。The red lacquer work on the upper wall was badly chipped.

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固定喷剂喷在正稿面上的保护喷剂。Fixative spray Protective spray used on surface of artwork.

该流体是不混容的并在接触面上接触。The fluids are immiscible and in contact over an interface.

下一道手续是在墙面上涂抹一层沙浆。The next procedure is to daub a layer of mortar on the wall.

在顶点两侧的内弧面上仍然有尖端的拱。An arch having cusps in the intrados on either side of the apex.

但是,“冬至”,在汉语的字面上的意思是“冬天来了”。But, in Chinese, "midwinter" literally meaning is "winter come".

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冬天时,河上面会结一层薄冰,所以人们可以在河面上溜冰。In winter, the river ice over, so people can skate on the river.

他停顿了一下,因为斯坦纳的面上堆起了一层愁苦的神色。He paused, for Stener's face had become a jelly -like mass of woe.

技术人员在Endura系统的触摸屏界面上工作。A technician works on the touchscreen interface of an Endura system.