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我失手将盘子掉在地上摔碎了。I dropped the plate and it smashed.

这就是豪厄尔从未失手的原因。That’s why Howell was never caught.

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但是,魔术有时候也会失手。But sometimes the magic doesn’t work.

她失手把盘子掉在地上打碎了。She dropped the plate and smashed it.

我在倒茶的时候,失手打了一个茶杯。When I was pouring the tea, I dropped a cup.

她一失手,花瓶掉下碎成破片了。She dropped the vase and it broke into pieces.

你是否使用风险降低技巧并从没失手?Do you employ risk reduction techniques without fail?

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最后一单1号失手,死于乱枪之下。Finally a single missed on the 1st, died under Luanqiang.

他一失手,刀子当啷一声掉到石头地面上。He dropped the knife and it clattered on the stone floor.

现在却为将失手澳大利亚于这个远东国家而恐慌。Now there is a panic about losing Australia to the Far East.

多加小心,避免万一失手胜过百发百中。Be more careful not to miss once than to hit a hundred times.

琳达手脚不俐落。她总是失手掉东西。Linda's a butter- fingers. She is always dropping everything.

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这一次师父一定不会再失手。The pedagogue can't definitely deliberately lose again this period.

陈志强找好位置,准备枪杀证人,不料失手。Ck tan to find good location, prepare kill the witness, only to fail.

恰巴克等人在惩罚托赫达洪的时候失手淹死了他。Just waiting in punishing Joe buck ojeda flood drowned when miss him.

蒙特罗也爱着迭戈的妻子,但他的手下失手杀死了她。Montero is in love with Don Diego's wife, who is accidentally killed.

特里想收住这一拳,然而去势太猛,失手打在了杰的耳朵上。Terry tried to pull the violent punch but cold-cocked Jay in the ear.

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在我的职业生涯中我失手过9000多次投球,输掉过300多场比赛。I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games.

但很多俄罗斯评论人士扼腕叹息如此战略要地失手于中国。But many Russian commentators bemoaned the loss of strategic ground to China.

此外,吉约丹医生还考虑到了以下的情况——刽子手在用斧头行刑时难免会失手。Doctor Guillotin also took into account the failings of the human executioner.