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人口718,100。Population, 718,100.

你知道“人口日”吗?Do you know "Men's Day"?

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我们家人口众多,其乐融融。I have a big happy family.

这是一个人口逐渐减少的世界。It is a depopulating world.

维尔京人口的扩展。The spread of virgin births.

中国有十三亿人口。China has 1.3 billion people.

他们都是未被计入官方统计的“隐性无家可归”人口。They are the hidden homeless.

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我们的大量非本地人口。Our large nonnative population.

人口是的迅速增长。The population is growing fase.

中国有若干好多人口?Whatis the population of China?

我们国家的人口也很多元化。And it's mixed population there.

外来移民使该市人口过多。Immigrants overpeopled the city.

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现在我们有多少人口,三亿吗What do we have now,300 million?

福清的人口有多少?。What's the population of Fuqing?

“人口日”,你会吃些什么呢?What do you have for “Men’s Day”?

你知道科罗拉多州的人口吗?Do you know Colorado's population?

外来人口在增长。Our foreign population is growing.

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你们人口大概2.5亿,You have about 250 million people,

这个社区人口稠密。The community is densely populated.

地震使该城人口锐减。The earthquake dispeopled the city.