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研究虚拟传声器的有源噪声控制问题。The active noise control using virtual sensors is studied.

你看,传声器作用与电话的送话器很相像。The microphone, you see, acts much like a telephone transmitter.

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他身上藏了一个传声器,打算偷偷录下谈话内容。He wore a hidden microphone to secretly tape-record conversations.

最后简要介绍了该驻极体传声器测试仪所达到的性能指标。Finally the performance of the electret microphone tester is described.

将误差传声器置于控制区域之外,得到测量误差。The error sensors are placed out of the control area to get measurement errors.

其声波由电动扬声器发射,声波接收采用电容传声器。The tweeter emits the sound wave, then the capacitor microphone receives the echo.

驻极体传声器是一种用驻极体材料制造的新型传声器。The electret microphone is a new microphone which is made with the electret material.

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具体介绍了四传声器隔声测量原理。Sound transmission loss measurement using four microphones in impedance tube is studied.

青蛙的叫声用晶体管传声器记录在一个频道上。A particular frog's calls were recorded on one channel, using a transistor-condenser microphone.

约一分钟后,吊在接收船下的传声器收听到这一声音。About a minute later, the sound is picked up by a microphone suspended under the receiving ship.

讨论了利用传声器阵列估计与会者方位角的问题。The problem on the speaker tracking by way of estimating time delay of microphone arrays is discussed.

最终我们研制成具有防粘结构的硅微电容传声器。Finally, the silicon condenser microphone with this anti-stiction structure was fabricated successfully.

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驻极体传声器测试仪是用来测试传声器的灵敏度及频率响应的。The electret microphone tester is used to test electret microphone's sensitivity and frequency response.

分析了驻极体传声器的电路模型及其传统的前置放大电路。This paper discussed the circuit model of a electret microphone and the conventional microphone preamplifiers.

实验结果表明,风机管道中空气流动对传声器测量信号的影响很大。The experimental result shows that the measurements with microphone are highly sensitive to airflow in the fan duct.

扬声器。耳机胶盖。传声器及话筒特性表。Tabular layouts of article characteristics for loudspeakers, receiver capsules, microphones and transmitter capsules.

基于低功耗单片机MSP430F427和USB2.0控制器CY7C68013,开发了一种面向三传声器阵列的语音数据采集系统。A design of low power small microphone array speech data acquisition system using MSP430F427 and CY7C68013 is described.

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给出了传声器阵列宽带超增益波束形成的时域实现方法。A speech enhancement approach based on super gain beamforming of microphone array in time domain is proposed in this paper.

提出了一种将传统后置自适应滤波技术和小波变换技术相结合的传声器阵列语音增强方法。In this paper, a method of microphone array speech enhancement with wavelet transform and adaptive post-filtering is proposed.

所以在应用双传声器声强测量法测量声功率时将受到有旋性的影响。The measurement of sound power by use o the two-microphone technique will be affected by the rotation of the active intensity.