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我喜欢演戏。I love acting.

一切都是在演戏。Everything is role-play.

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他又在演戏了。He was playacting again.

我们不需要你在这里演戏。We don't need your dramatics here.

他们对演戏又懂得什么呢?What do they know about theatricals?

你当时觉得你是在演戏吗?Did you feel like acting at that moment?

帕特里克喜欢在学校戏剧团里演戏。Patrick Likes to act in the school paly.

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他刚开始演戏时是一个跑龙套的。He started his acting career as an extra.

他像演戏似地又哭泣又叹气,来表现他的痛苦。He dramatizes his woes with sobs and sighs.

爱情、好像在演戏,可我演不下去。Love, as if in acting, but I can not do it.

他不能戴隐形眼镜,只好半瞎着演戏。He can't afford contacts, so he acts half-blind.

默西迪丝在汤姆的车里演戏,对吗?Mercedes pulled the stunt with Tom's car, right?

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一感动,就难免包含演戏和做作的成分了。If not, there must be playacting and affectation.

在朝夕相处中,孟菲发现陈超很有演戏天赋。In the elbow, MengFei found is acting talent Chen.

也许长期演戏来自一系列的透明数字。Maybe the long-term play is based on sheer numbers.

动物能够成为像演戏,有时一罪。The Animal can be guilty of acting like one at time.

是你使我像个傻瓜般演戏,而我可不喜欢这样。You are making me act like a fool, and I dont like it.

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看,他把你抬起来了,-丹。那只不过是演戏。Look, he. he made you levitate. Dan. That's all acting.

如果不演戏,我想我会是一个杀人狂魔。If it wasn't for acting I'd probably be a serial killer.

生活中总有戏剧化的一面,但是没有必要总是演戏。Drama is a part of life, but we don’t have to wallow in it.