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那这个鼓点就是So the beat is.

节奏和鼓点Rhythm and beat.

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好的,这里面没有鼓点Okay. There's no beat to it.

一遍又一遍重复的鼓点The drum-beat repeated o'er and o'er

听那些有很棒的鼓点的音乐。Listen to music that has great drumming.

我感到自己的心房急如鼓点。I could feel my heart beating like drumbeats.

不要让他们听见鼓点和旋律。Don't ever let them hear drums and percussions.

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鼓点沉闷地敲击着,没有人出声,也没有一只眼睛在瞧着。The drum beat dully. No voice spoke, no eye watched.

打著相同的节拍,踩着相同的鼓点。Marching to the same beat, playing from the same drum.

姑娘们身着节日盛装,应着木鼓鼓点翩翩起舞。Girls in holiday dress dance to the accompaniment of drums.

不停的反复,节奏,鼓点,强烈的脉动Okay? So repetitious, rhythm, beats, strong pulsation to it.

这个鼓手的特点是军鼓的声音很紧,鼓点清晰。The drummer had a pretty tight snare sound, and nice articulation.

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并且我也非常喜欢跳着舞去感受整首歌的鼓点。And I also like the drum beat along with the dance feel to the song.

踩着鼓点跳舞的雷鸣凤用他的舞蹈征服了卓洛宇。Lei Mingfeng dancing to drum beat made a conquest of Zhuo Luoyu for his pas.

打的鼓点开口,否则就没有板眼了。You should sing according to my drumbeats, otherwise, there would be no order.

愉悦的歌声还回荡在耳畔,快乐的鼓点还奏响在心中。Joyful songs are still around our ears, cheerful drums are still in our hearts.

琢磨不住的鼓点,主唱有些癫狂又有点喋喋不休的唱腔,就是这支乐队的标签。The band is tagged by the unpredictable drumbeats with the maniac garrulous vocal.

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如果一个人和他的同伴没有保持步伐,也许是因为他听到了另一种鼓点。If a man and his companion did not keep pace, perhaps because he heard another drums.

心理学家首先让19为年轻男士随着一段德国夜店曲调的鼓点跳舞。Psychologists asked 19 young men to dance to a drum beat from a German nightclub tune.

和谐的歌唱和有节奏的鼓点可以催眠到开阔思维的状态。The harmonious singing and rhythmic beats of the drums can be hypnotic to an open mind.