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饮茶所引起的兴奋作用,是咖啡碱的功效。DrinkTeaThe excited effect that causes, it is the effect of theine.

1838年发现茶中的一种物质叫咖啡碱与咖啡因有相同的效用。In 1838, it was found that theine, a substance in tea, was identical to caffeine.

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茶的好处在于它是抗氧化剂和咖啡碱的健康组合。Tea's benefits may spring from its healthy combination of anti-oxidants and caffeine.

磷能促进类黄酮物质的形成以及增加茶多酚、氨基酸和咖啡碱的含量。Phosphorus can promote the contents of flavone. tea-Poly phenols, amino acid and theine.

适量摄入绿茶咖啡碱能刺激体内所有器官并让你头脑清醒。Green tea caffeine taken in proper quantity stimulates every organ in the body and clears your mind.

本文介绍了使用紫外分光光度计测定速溶茶内咖啡碱含量的方法。A method for the determination of caffeine in instant tea by ultraviolet spectrophotometry is described.

茶叶中富含儿茶素、酚类、咖啡碱、多种维生素及微量元素共300多种成分。Tea-leaf has 300 kinds of elements such as theine, hydroxybenzene and kinds of vitamin and microelement.

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结果表明蛇毒是起主要镇痛作用的成分,茶叶咖啡碱具有协同镇痛作用。Results showed snake venom played the main role in analgesia, tea caffeine had the synergistic analgesic effect.

在此条件下,随操作压力的增大、操作温度的升高、萃取时间的延长,咖啡碱的脱除率增大。On the basis of this condition, decaffeination rate was increased with extracting pressure and temperature and time.

不同茶叶具有不同的咖啡碱含量,低档茶中的咖啡碱的含量比高档茶的高。Different teas had different theine contents and the theine content in low-grade tea was higher than that in high-grade tea.

研制了XDA负载PA膜包络体的复合树脂,并用于茶叶提取液中茶多酚、咖啡碱的分离。Composite resins of XDA coated with PA membrane are prepared and apply to the separation of TP and caffeine from tea extract.

黑茶中咖啡碱的利尿功能是通过肾促进尿液中水的滤出率来实现的。The diuretic function of Caffeine in dark tea is realized by boosting the leaching rates of water from urine through the kidney.

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一些研究也记载了在怀孕期间由于咖啡碱的摄入而增加了小产的危险。Some researchers also document an increased risk of miscarriage associated with caffeine consumption prior to and during pregnancy.

此处,还发现茶叶中的咖啡碱和儿茶素类能使血管壁松弛,增加血管的有效直径,通过血管舒张而使血压下降。In addition, it is found that caffeine and catechin in dark tea can soften vessel and diastole vessel to realize blood pressure reduction.

富含维生素,氨基酸,咖啡碱,多酚类物质及芳香油等多种有益成分。Rich in vitamin, amino acids, caffeine, polyphenols and aromatic oil etc, a variety of beneficial ingredients, having good function for health care.

应用朗伯―比耳定律,利用排除法,确定太阳散射光对紫外分光光度法测定咖啡碱的影响。This experiment Applied Lamber-Beer Law and exclusive method to determine the scattering sunlight's effect on Caffeine concentration by Ultra-violet Spectrophotometer.

白茶作为中国六大茶类之一,由于其特殊的加工工序,相较于其他茶类,保留了大量的茶多酚、茶氨酸、咖啡碱等营养成分。White tea , as one of six tea, retains a large quantity of polyphenols, theanine, caffeine and other nutrients compared to other teas because of its unique procedures.

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茶是富含多元酚、咖啡碱、芳香烃、碳水化合物、蛋白质、多种氨基酸、维他命、矿物质和果胶的天然饮料。As a natural and healthy beverage, tea is rich in polyphenol, theine, aromatic hydrocarbons, carbohydrate, protein, multiple amino acids, vitamins, minerals and pectin.

茶是一种富含多元酚、咖啡碱、芳香烃、碳水化合物、蛋白质、多种氨基酸、维他命、矿物质和果胶的天然饮料。As a natural and healthy beverage, tea is rich in polyphenol, theine, aromatic hydrocarbons, carbohydrate, protein, multiple amino acids, vitamins, minerals and pectin.

他们在临床研究中发现,从可可中提取的咖啡碱的止咳疗效比可待因高出将近三分之一,而可待因被认为是目前最好的止咳药物。Their study found that theobromine , found in cocoa, was nearly a third more effective in stopping coughs than codeine, which was considered the best cough medicine at present.