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他挥金如土。He spends gold like soil.

挥金如土的人会说,‘我要削减开支。’The spender will say, 'I'll cut back.'

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美国人真的是挥金如土吗?Is it true that Americans are prodigal ?

不要挥金如土,否则你最终会成为乞丐的。Stop spending so fst , or you'll end up as a beggar.

许多美国挥金如土的人,面临破产。Many American big spenders are on the edge of bankruptcy.

他生活在奢侈的环境中,挥金如土。Living in luxurious surroundings, he spends money like water.

他尝试过用挥金如土的阔绰方式去取悦于她。He attempts to woo her in a characteristically extravagant manner.

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如果你挥金如土的话,早晚会破产的。If you spend money like water, you'll go bankrupt sonner or later.

只要他能够搞到钱,他挥金如土就像印度君主那样。What money he could lay his hands on, he spent like an Indian rajah.

有些爱极简设计,愿意在现代派极简家具上挥金如土。Some love minimalist design, and would splash out on modern minimalist furniture.

而她会赶走那些挥金如土,希望她救助的人。She drives away those who have squandered their wealth and want her to bail them out.

这个演员虽然收入不菲,但是挥金如土,积蓄甚少。Despite a large income, the actor had saved very little because he is profuse spender.

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当你和海伦在欧洲到处游逛,挥金如土时,我们是在勉强过日子。Please seize the man. He has been hanging around my store all day and acting peculiarly.

一朵一朵木棉花挥金如土般燃烧掉了高温里的呆滞。However, flames of Ceiba flowers have burnt away all dullness in the fever, squanderingly.

他总是挥金如土,炫耀其彩电,而且每年都要购买新车。He is always flinging his money about,with his colour television and his new car every year.

华尔街赌桌上的挥金如土的赌客们再次感到好运光临。The hustlers and high rollers at Wall Street’s gaming tables are starting to feel lucky again.

因其经历了糟糕的夜生活而失去一个挥金如土的熟客,这种情况是酒吧经理们都努力避免的商业风险。Losing a repeat big spender because he had a bad night is abusiness risk that managers hope to avoid.

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第一个就是指责共和党虚伪---为什么在布什挥金如土,赤字越来越多时,他们不大声疾呼呢?The first is to accuse them of hypocrisy—why did they not speak up when Mr Bush was splurging red ink?

在这个时代玩得最high的时候,金融玩家们也在挥金如土地收藏极度抽象的现代艺术品。At the era’s height, major financial players built vastly expensive collections of highly abstract modern art.

几乎每个高端的新加坡房地产经纪人都能讲出一个关于中国客户挥金如土的轶事。Virtually every high-end Singapore real estate agent has an anecdote about the immense wealth of Chinese clients.