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其押韵规律反映着陕甘方言的语音特征。Its rhyming lanes show the phonetic features of Shaanxi-Gansu dialects.

巴里坤是清代新疆最早的屯垦地区之一,以陕甘移民为主。Balikun is one of the earliest settlers in Xinjiang of Qing Dynasty, mainly Shanxi and Gansu immigrants.

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扼陕甘川之要道,自古为陇右门户、战略要冲和商贸中心。Shaanxi and Gansu outlined Chuan's hub, since ancient times for Longyou portal, strategic position and business center.

华北山区位于华北平原与陕甘黄土高原以及内蒙古高原之间,是我国经济欠发达地区之一。The mountainous area of North China is surrounded by the North China Plain, Shanxi Gansu Loess Plateau and Inner Mongolia Plateau.

牛汉,山西人,1923年10月出生,蒙古族,抗日战争期间在陕甘地区读中学大学。Niu Han, born in October 1923 in Shanxi, is of Mongol nationality. He was educated in Shannxi-Gansu area from middle school to college.

甘肃省阳山金矿位于川陕甘交界地带,为近年发现的一特大微细浸染型金矿床。The Yangshan gold deposit, located in south Gansu Province, is a supper large fine-grained disseminated gold deposit recently found in China.

1875年,陕甘总督左宗棠就任钦差大臣,督办新疆事务。In 1875, Zuo Zongtang, governor-general of Shaanxi and Gansu provinces, was appointed imperial commissioner to supervise the affairs of Xinjiang.

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俩人谁先打通茶马古道、先到陕甘总督府,就可能取得西北诸省的黑茶专卖权。Two people who first opened the ancient tea horse road, to the governor's office, it is possible to make the northwest provinces of tea monopoly.

以张学良为首的东北军和以杨虎城为首的十七路军被蒋调到陕甘一带进攻中国工农红军。The North East army led by Zhang Xueliang and the 17th Route Army led by Yang Hucheng was deployed to Shaanxi-Gansu district to attack the Red Army.

其次,对开封山陕甘会馆建筑装饰中的吉祥图案的分布、造型、题材进行了梳理和分析。Second, it analyzes the distribution, modeling, and themes of propitious design patterns on decorations of the guild hall of Shanxi-Shaanxi-Gansu province.

因此选定开封山陕甘会馆建筑装饰艺术中的吉祥图案作为研究对象,展开个案研究。Therefore the author chooses the propitious design patterns on decorations of the guild hall of Shanxi-Shaanxi-Gansu province as the object, and launches the case study.

他们不会中文字了,但是日常生活中依然说陕甘方言,今天的陕西甘肃人都能听懂。They cannot use the Chinese written language but they keep speaking Shaanxi-Gansu dialect in their daily life, which is understood by Chinese from Gansu and Shaanxi provinces.

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在陕甘川邻接区,由于祁连山—北秦岭加里东造山带向南的推挤和川西前陆的刚性阻挡,造成西秦岭和东松潘—甘孜复合造山体的三维滑脱挤出。It consists of the Western Qinling and Eastern Songpan-Garz orogenic belts and develops between the West Sichuan foreland and the rigid indenter of the Qilian-North Qinling Caledonian orogenic belt.