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我不要夜航班机。I don't want a night flight.

请看船长今天夜航命令。See night order from captain tonight.

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请看今夜船长夜航命令。See Night Orders from captain tonight.

随便提一下,我不要夜航班机。By the way, I don't want a night flight.

经过了一晚的夜航,克林顿从华盛顿起飞到达埃及。Clinton arrived in Egypt after an overnight flight from Washington.

玛丽,你预定了去芝加哥的夜航机票没有?Mary , do you have that reservation on the night flight to Chicago yet?

值班时,定要严格的执行夜航命令。到转向点处,向我报告。When on duty, strictly obey Night Orders. Report me on turning position.

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住在机场附近的人们正强烈要求制订出夜航班机的新规。People living near the airport are pushing for new rules about night flight.

住在机场附近的人强烈要求订立限制夜航班机的新规则。People living near the airport are pushing for new restrictions on night flights.

第二,船用雷达能在雨、雪、雾和夜航等不利条件下探测物标,且作用距离远。Secondly, navigational radar could be used in some unfavorable conditions, and the range is far enough.

她如同夜航的明灯、天空的星斗引导我走向抱负的此岸。She is like the effects of the sky, the lamp of stars in the ideal led me to the other side of the sea.

苏丹政府此前曾经表示,机场不具备夜航的能力。The Sudanese government has previously said the airports are not equipped to operate at night, and the U.

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发的餐食中有一种韩国拌饭非常不错,给无聊而漫长的夜航带来一点小小的快乐。Send meal is a Korean mix rice is very good, give a dull and long want a night to bring a little happiness.

对高速客船不准夜航管理中出现的问题进行了讨论。Some confusion and problems arise from high-speed passenger ship management in prohibiting its night sailing.

还有一些人尝试通过软件对准摄像头或者增强灯光提高机器人的夜航能力。Others have experimented with adding software for aiming the camera or enhancements like better lights for patrolling at night.

不管声明来自于斯皮尔伯格的办公室还是夜航演艺公司,最好都把它给律师看一看。No matter whether the reply comes from Steven Spielberg's office or Fly By Night Productions, have the release form checked by a lawyer.

瑞士制造的太阳能动力飞机今天将进入黑夜飞行,计划中的数小时飞行将是它的第一次完整意义上的夜航。The Swiss-built Solar Impulse airplane is about to enter the darkness today, already several hours into what is slated to become its first all-night flight.

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快速起效的安眠药能够帮助你在夜航上睡觉,也能帮助你在到达目的地后的头几天睡着。Short-acting sleeping pills can help you sleep through an overnight flight. They can also help you sleep during the first couple of nights at your destination.

小型无人侦察机上装载红外摄像头还可以夜航,这样既减少了人员伤亡,也增加了巡查力度,让犯罪分子无机可乘。Carrying an infrared camera, the UAV can cruise in the night, in this way it reduces casualties and puts more efforts to inspection so that criminals have no chances.

严禁超宽、超高、超吃水的船舶进入该航道,禁止夜航,以策航行安全。The ship that strictly forbids super breadth, extremely high and super draft enters that navigation canal and forbids the sail in night, with the plan navigation safety.