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李诗韵来自于加利福尼亚州的费尔奥克斯。Selena Li is from Fair Oaks, California.

诗韵之于诗歌犹如“文”之于“言”。The rhyme is more important to the poetry.

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布瓦维尔和李诗韵都打算当医生和医学研究者。He and Li both plan to be physicians and medical researchers.

如今,缪思给予他快乐,他以诗韵歌颂他的恩典。Now, the muse she was his happiness, and he rhymed about her grace.

长发如瀑,瞳眸剪水,一颦一笑间尽是淡淡的诗韵。Long hair like waterfall, pupil cut water, light a room full of every twinkle and smile.

李诗韵在英特尔科学奖中名列第无,并获得了叁万美元的奖金。Ms. Li placed fifth in the Intel Science Talent Search and was awarded thirty thousand dollars.

诗人总是费尽千言万语去诉说简单的事情,费尽脑汁花费时间推敲平厥才作出富有诗韵的歌曲。Poets often use many words to say a simple thing. It takes thought and time and rhyme to make a poem sing.

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李诗韵,17日,已完成的研究,可以提供一个替代化疗或肝癌患者的移植。Selena Li, 17, has completed research that could offer an alternative to chemotherapy or transplant for liver cancer patients.

剪一缕桂香,凝一回雁影,唯恐只有在芳菲四溢的秋季才能感受到那般如梦如幻,如生如死的诗韵。Cut a wisp of incense, coagulation time top, lest only in Fangfei overflowing autumn can feel like that dream, such as such as the death of health rhyme.

没那么长,但也足够长了,他们会以诗韵或者音乐的节调传唱同样的故事,你能从不同的吟游诗人口中认出这个故事Nothing that long, but long enough in which they would tell the same stories in verse and music, and you could recognize the story as you went from bard to bard.

倘若一名作家的全部意义在于他或她受到的感召,我自己的诗作也不可避免地是受英美诗韵和风格浸润的结果。If a writer is the sum of his or her influences, then my own poems are unavoidably the result of my exposure to the sounds and styles of both British and American poetry.

明清诗论家对诗韵的论说,多方面地展开了古典诗韵之论,将南朝以来人们对诗韵的阐说予以了提升和深化。The discussion on poetry rhyme of the poetic critics in Ming and Qing Dynasty, develops the classical poetry rhyme theory, promotes and deepens the explanation since the South Dynasty.