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离开戏剧学校之后,我就加入了一个保留剧目轮演剧团。After leaving drama school I joined a repertory company.

我的表弟是话剧俱乐部的演员,他好象对演剧很感兴趣。My cousin is a member of a drama club. He seems to enjoy acting.

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这点从庞大的粉丝群,所演剧集的超高收视率就能窥见。This is clearly visible from the huge fan base which gathering the ratings.

第三章分析复旦剧社的演剧倾向。Chapter Three analyzes the performance characteristics of Fudan Dramatic Association.

这可把演剧演员吓坏了,他开始绕着笼子转圈跑,狮子则在他身后紧追不舍。The mime is so scared that he begins to run round and round the cage with the lion close behind.

宋代乐制的更革,带来宫廷伎乐及演剧活动的频盛,民间伎艺及杂戏杂剧不断输入宫廷。A series of innovations in the Song music system brought about the prosperity of court music and play performance.

中国旅行剧团在历时一十四年的职业演剧过程中,由盛转衰,最终没落,其中折射出历史的、社会的、文化的、经济的等各方面原因。The Travel Drama Troupe of China experienced its flourish to eclipse in 14 years, which contributed by various reasons.

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清廷演剧对于京城戏剧的影响,乃至于对中国戏剧整体上的影响,相当复杂且耐人寻味。Qing drama drama about the impact of the capital, and even the whole of Chinese theater, the impact of very complex and intriguing.

体验与表现的问题,实际上是戏曲演员如何创造角色的问题,或者叫做演剧方法问题。The problem of experience and performance is in fact to study how opera actors create roles or the methods when they play the operas.

日前北京第二外国语学院日语系举行了第二十二届日语演剧大会。A few days ago, the Japanese Language Department of Beijing Second Foreign Languages Institute held its 22nd Japanese Drama Performance.

盛行于清代四川地区的民间演剧活动,不仅是祭神、酬神的主要形式,也是人们纵情娱乐的一大盛会。Folk dramas, which are popular in Sichuan in Qing Dynasty, are not only sacrificial rituals, but also events for carnival entertainments.

年,贺绿汀随上海文化界救亡演剧北上做抗日宣传,年底到达山西临汾。In 1937, He Luting north with Shanghai cultural salvation drama to do the anti-Japanese propaganda, to reach the end of Linfen, Shanxi Province.

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在北京人艺演剧民族化的过程中,作为总导演的焦菊隐功不可没。Jiao Juyin played an important role in the process of the foundation of Beijing People's Art Theatre on the performance-nationalization as a director.

你再向前走几步,便到了那条不祥的落须街,在那街上,于尔巴克,曾象演剧似的,趁着雷声,一刀子刺杀了伊夫里的一个牧羊女。Take a few steps, and you come upon that fatal Rue Croulebarbe, where Ulbach stabbed the goat-girl of Ivry to the sound of thunder, as in the melodramas.

透过这一群体性公共文化活动可以发现,“举国若狂”的民间演剧背后竟承载着社区认同和社区整合的文化意义。Through this public cultural activity, when the whole country is in revelry, community identity and integration of cultural significance can be detected.

明代的惊情迷梦香港六合彩总部真实料以一种不曾臆想过的意境,复生于京城皇家粮仓的演剧空间。However, it is an unexpected idea to redisplay the surprising romance of the Ming Dynasty in the Imperial Granary in the capital, an unconventional "Drama House".

在这一天,不仅教堂里要照例举行仪式,在宫廷里和贵族家里也常常演剧庆祝,莎士比亚此剧显然是为这样的节日而写的。On this day, not only the church will inevitably ceremony in court and noble, also often play at home to celebrate this is obviously, Shakespeare for this holiday.

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四喜班是晚清戏曲变革环境中从徽班向京剧班社嬗变的优秀演剧团体。In the atmosphere of the renovation of drama in the late years of Qing dynasty, Sixi Combo is an excellent performing organization changed from Hui Combo to Jing Combo.

本文最后一部分则深入分析了清代中叶至民国初年扬州演剧场所的地域性文化特点。Then the characteristics and the social background of Yangzhou's commercial theatres are studied. The regional culture characteristics of them in this time are deeply analyzed at last.

从茶园、戏园营业演剧、堂会演剧、宫廷演剧以及演员私宅演剧等演剧形态分析其演剧活动。From the teagarden, play garden business performing, the church meeting performing, the palace performing as well as the actor private residence performing aspect analyzes its performing shape.