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就是虚度光阴。When trifled away.

彼得虚度了一生。Peter is a teacher.

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光阴再也不会虚度!No more wasted time!

他虚度了一生。He dreamed through life.

他虚度一生。He dreamt his life away.

不要虚度一生。Don't loaf your life away.

她虚度了青春。She droned away her youth.

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不要虚度青春年华!Don't idle away your youth!

不要虚度青春岁月。Don't idle away your youth.

他虚度了一生。He passed his life in vain.

不要虚度你的时光。Don't diddle away your time.

不要虚度时光。Don't loiter your time away.

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不要虚度光阴。Don't trifle away your time.

为了你我青春虚度。For you, my youth is wasted.

彼得虚度了一生。Peter dreamed his life away.

年华不虚度,生命自悠长。Life is long , if it is full.

他常常虚度好几个小时。He often idles away many hours.

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她为我虚度了一生而痛惜。She sighed over my wasted life.

人生苦短,怎能虚度。Life is too short to just get by.

在北部空中云集成小星虚度。I im the star in the northern sky.