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请在收银处结账。Please pay at the cashier's.

我们想在中午结账离开旅馆。We'd like to book out at noon.

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他们十分钟前就结账走了。They checked out ten minutes ago.

当她走到结账台时,看到一共是178.50美元。she saw that her total was $178.50.

所以结账要等很长时间。And the cashier is taking a long time.

讨厌的人们急着结账回家。Grim checkout people urgent to get home.

我是913号房的安格斯·豪斯,想结账离店。I'm Augus House in 913. I'm checking out.

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顺便问一下,什么时间结账退房?By the way, what's the checkout time here?

昨天王先生结账离开了那间旅馆。译。Yesterday Mr. Wang check-out left the hotel.

离开旅馆的宾客须在中午前办理结账手续。Departing guests are asked to check out by noon.

很抱歉我没带现金,可以用信用卡结账吗?I'm sorry that I haven't brought cashes with me.

别让我在结账的时候重新输入信息。Do not let me re-enter the information when closing.

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先生,请问您是用现金结账还是签单啊?Sir, would you like to pay in cash or sign your bill?

“我欠了一个月租金、”他告诉店里的店员,“请你告诉经理我要干活去,个把月就回来跟他结账。”"I owe a month on it," he told the clerk in the store.

再次确认买家所购买的商品,确认结账,然后进入贝宝页面。Comfirm your order then it will lead you to paypal page.

我是831号房的李迈,今天要离店,现在可以结账吗?Mai in Room 831. I'm leaving today. Can I pay my bill now?

他用一张“买二送一”优惠券结账,让克洛伊付她的那一半。He paid with a two-for-one coupon and made Chloe pay her half.

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丹妮拉,我可以结账了吗?不要把时间浪费在屌人身上,好吗?Danila, may i have my bill now ?don not shout at mylvely gas ok?

那份报纸我没买,只是在结账排队时扫了两眼。I didn't buy that paper. I just scanned it in the check-out line.

过早入住登记或过晚结账退房须视客房情况而定。Early check-in and late check out is subject to room availability.