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这叫做八度音阶This is called an octave.

升高的音阶增加紧张感Scales that go up add tension.

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那么,我们得到了大调音阶So, we've got our major scale.

这个,它是一个半音音阶Well, that's a chromatic scale.

因此,这是一个色彩更丰富的音阶So, this is a more colorful scale.

让我们从C开始一个大调音阶Let's start with a major scale on a C.

全音阶中的第一个音符。Music the first note of a diatonic scale.

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除了半音阶口琴,其余的都可以洗。You can water except the chromatic harmonica.

现在我们来谈谈小调音阶Let's talk a little bit about the minor scale.

现在我们演奏另一个六音符音阶Now, we're going to play another six-note scale.

但是这种阴暗很早就出现在音阶中But that darkness occurs very early in the scale.

但是在音阶内部,每个音符并不一样But within the scale, all notes are not the same.

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与我们所听到过的任何音阶都不同Doesn't sound like any scale we've ever heard of.

开始的时候乐曲按着八度音阶升高So he's coming up initially just through octaves.

西方已经固定在七音符音阶We in the west have settled on a seven-note scale.

因此,它是一个所谓的,五,我们称之为五声的音阶So, it's a penta-- what we call a pentatonic scale.

因此,它是一个所谓的,五,我们称之为五声的音阶。So, it's a penta-- what we call a pentatonic scale.

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他所演奏的是拉格,并非真正的音阶It's not really a scale but a raga that he is using.

音阶,调性,调号,五度循环,等等。Scales, keys, key signatures, circle of fifths, etc.

音阶上升三度容易,上升七度就难了。It's easy to go up a 3rd, but difficult to go up a 7th.