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抢劫警车是违法的!Carjacking a police car is illegal!

警车被枪连打了几个洞。The police car was stitched by a gun.

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他迅速的跑回家去取他的巡逻警车。He hurried home to get his patrol car.

刚才一辆有标记的警车急驶而过。A market police car sped past just now.

示威者推翻了一辆警车。The demonstrator turned over a police car.

但他也清理警车里的呕吐物。But he also cleaned up vomit in police cars.

忽然,一辆客货两用车狠狠地撞上了警车。Suddenly, the squad car is smashed by a van.

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鲍勃转身回到了警车里,没有留下一句话。Bob returned to his police car without a word.

一辆警车发着警报声呼啸而来。A police car raced along with its sirens wailing.

当我的汽车抛锚的具体时间,我打了个信号招来一辆警车。When my bike broke dhave, I flagged a police bike.

莫斯科警车与老百姓的汽车互换角色。Moscow police car swops the part with civilian cars.

阿尔安尼当时被安排在一辆在场等候的巡逻警车的后座上。Al-Ani was placed in the back of a waiting patrol car.

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警官立即呼叫警长,肇事车立即被警车团团围住。Hearing this the officer immediately called his captain.

琴弓需要松香,就像警车需要犯人。A bow needs rosin just like a police car needs prisoners.

你也可以选择警车去逮捕违章者!You can even drive a police car and catch your opponents!

哦,我有没有提到他在出停车场的时候擦到了警车?。Oh, did I mention he sideswiped a police car on the way out?

德国汉堡的梅赛德斯奔驰E系列警车。Mercedes-Benz E-Class police car spotted in Hamburg, Germany.

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一根悬空表演者因为在警车顶部悬空而被逮捕。One planker was arrested for planking on top of a police car.

红蜘蛛与警车进金刚学院,并与天火相交。Starscream and Prowl enrol at the Academy. They meet Jetfire.

他们毁坏了两辆警车并扰乱了当地商业秩序。They destroyed two police cars and vandalized area businesses.