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人定胜天。Man will conquer nature.

我一直相信人定胜天。I always believe man can conquer nature.

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人定胜天的想法剥夺我们得到神美好的礼物。Self-reliance robs us of God's good gifts.

即使我相当顽固,我也不会去争这个“人定胜天”。I'm fairly stubborn, but I wouldn't try to fight this force. I'd rather use it.

勉为其难正是我的问题所在,这还是我“人定胜天”的思想在作怪。Trying too hard was precisely my problem. It was the mind over matter issue again.

赤子童心说,「要是讲“人定胜天”太武断了。Children's mind said, 'it is too arbitrary to say that man will triumph over nature.

其“人定胜天”的环境思想的提出有其必要性和合理性,是马克思主义普遍原理与中国实际相结合的产物。The proposal, which is the combination of Marxist theory with China's actuality, had its necessities and reasons.

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这项旨在抗击几百年严酷洪涝灾害的“人定胜天”工程,目前遇到了日益严重的水源短缺问题。For now, the man-versus-nature project designed to combat centuries of brutal flooding is hamstrung by a worsening lack of water.

一种是更多在于接受上帝赋予才能,接受命运的观点。另一种是人定胜天。One is more accepting what is given by god, the fath and destiny concept whereas the other believes man has that will power to succeed.

我们竭尽所能去开发自然能源,彷佛人类证明自己人定胜天。We try to get the most out of the natural resources with intelligence, and seemingly men have proved themselves more powerful than nature.

在执政数十年来,中国的领袖拥抱一种人定胜天的战略,把环境当作下水道来对待。For decades after the 1949 Communist Revolution, China's leaders embraced a man-over-nature strategy that treated the environment like a sewer.

对那些坚信人定胜天的人来说,所有对上帝试验性的探索看来都是无必要的。"The Kingdom Within You." For those with a faith that can move mountains, all this tentative groping for God in human experience may seem unnecessary.

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曾几何时,人类得意地发出“人定胜天”的口号,把自己凌驾于自然之上,向自然任意索取他所需要的一切。Before long, we were supposed to be superior to the nature with a slogan that "human can conquer the nature" and asked for an excessive demand willfully.

可能人类只是个传说,但我相信,命运是公平的,因人定胜天,人类不只是个梦。Possibility human being is only legend, but I believe that destiny is fairness's , a reason, Man by his efforts can conquer nature, human being is not only a dream.

频繁爆发的洪水灾害证明人定胜天、改造自然的防洪思路已不能解决防洪问题,人类必须探索更为理智的、科学的防洪方法,适应洪水、与洪和谐相处的现代防洪理念应运而生。Man must explore a more intellect and more scientific method of flood control to arise a modern flood control idea of adapting flood and getting well along with flood.

今天我们做很多,比如说三峡,比如说南水北调他也是一种带有政治幻想的,实际上未必大自然未必就会或者说整个社会就会按你想的,就是“人定胜天”这样的想法可以解决。We can not say that the mother nature, or rather the whole society will surely develop according your expectation, and these problems can not be solved with the concept of "Human can conquer nature".