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只不过是等价交换。Just exchange of values.

那么幸福该用什么做一次等价交换哪?So happy what to do once the exchange is equivalent to what?

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我并不觉得这有什么可悲的。就像是一种等价交换一样。I don't see how it's sad. Seems like a mutual exchange to me.

是等价交换的产物,实际的交易。Is a product of equivalent exchange, the actual transactions.

但是阿堵物也会有不能与幸福等价交换的时候。But there are exceptions when wealth does not go hand in hand with happiness.

在市场经济条件下,挂号费理应是证约定金和等价交换的手段。It should be a evidence deposit and the medium of exchange in the condition of market economics.

相信炼金术的法则,等价交换的原理,却背叛了现实。Believed the alchemy the principle, the exchange of equal value principle, has betrayed the reality actually.

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它将给孩子们一个相当自由的空间去选择他们所想要的,使他们意识到等价交换的规则。It will give children a certain freedom to select what they want, and make them aware rules of the equivalent exchange.

同时出于税收的目地,用比特币来偿还某人的产品或者服务也按照等价交换对待。For the purposes of taxation, meanwhile, reimbursing somebody for a product or service in BitCoins is treated as barter.

在神话中,这种自我牺牲表现为祭祀制度,而在启蒙中,则表现为等价交换的原则。In myth, sacrifice is embodied in sacrificial rites while in enlightenment, it is shown in the principle of equal exchange.

交易费用不为零,就既不存在自动的“等价交换”,也不存在不需要经营、监督和管理的经济组织。Since transaction cost is not zero, there cannot be automatic "equal exchange" or economic organization without supervision.

这种态度我引起冲突,因为大家都觉得我们的付出应该换来等价交换。This attitude fosters conflict because each begins to recognize what he does for others if there must always a return of the favor.

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等价交换原则是商品经济活动领域通行的原则,强调交换的等价性。The principle of equal-value exchange, which stresses equal value in exchange, is a common law in commercial and economic activities.

这应该被认为一个等价交换,没有俱乐部会为了交易再掏出额外的现金。This would be regarded as an equal exchange, therefore no club would have to give the other team any extra cash for this deal to go through.

企业和员工通过经济契约形成一种等价交换的交易关系,称之为对等承诺。The relationship of equivalent exchange formed by the enterprise and employees through economic agreement is also called "equivalent commitment".

第二是半市场化行为,这种行为的补偿是一种基于“效用”的“等价交换”,笔者称之为“公平成本定价”模式。The second is half-market action and the relative compensation is an equivalent exchange based on unity that is called the model of Equitable Cost Pricing.

然而,由于市场经济的重利性、竞争性和等价交换原则等方面的影响,使市场经济又具有负面效应。However, as the market economy is influenced by the principles of interest-orientation, competitiveness, fair exchange, etc, it also keeps a negative effect.

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劳资两利、按劳取酬、等价交换是构建和谐劳动的三大原则。Mutual benefits of labor and capital, rewards according to the labor and equivalent exchanges are the three principles in the construction of harmonious labor.

本文认为,国际不等价交换是不以国际价值或国际生产价格为基础的交换。The authors hold the view that international nonequivalent exchange is the exchange that is not based on international value or international production price.

遵守诚实守信、公平竞争、等价交换、反对垄断等道德规范也是市场经济的内在要求。Abidance by honesty , faith , just competition , equivalent exchange , opposing monopolization and other morals criterion are also inside request of market economy.