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不喜欢烦嚣、闹的生活。I enjoy peaceful and happy marriage life.

我学会了和特里他们一样,在伦敦烦嚣的尘世中买醉。I learned how to enjoy myself in London from Terry.

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超脱了烦嚣的世界,自由便是一种风度。Freedom will be a kind of grace when it breaks away from the busy world.

我很喜欢沿山上走,因为感觉像远离烦嚣似的。I really like staying on the hill, as if escaping from the hustle and bustle of the city.

代表“身心休憩调养地”,一个能抽离日常烦嚣压力,让身心放松静养的所在。A "Retreat" is a quiet, private place to get away from normal life, a place where body and mind can get rested and renewed.

这里没有烦嚣,适合晚饭谈心,品着美酒,细嚼美食,享受宁静的河畔夜晚。There is no annoying, suitable for dinner, heart-to-heart with wine, fine taste delicacies, enjoy halcyon chew riverside of night.

离开闹市的烦嚣,但又与城市中心只隔咫尺,便于工作、娱乐和社交。Ideally this place should be secluded and yet conveniently located near the heart of the city for work, entertainment and social life.

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这,需要的是一种怎样的执着,才能消得在这浮杂烦嚣的社会寻得一隅而栖的凉愁啊?!This need is a kind of persistence, in order to eliminate a floating miscellaneous upset in this society to find a corner of the habitat of the cold gloom ah?!

无论何时途经米兰,都可以在登机前进入贵宾室,在独特氛围中享受舒适宁静,把世间烦嚣抛诸脑后。Whenever you travel through Milan, enjoy lounge access before your flight and you can benefit from peace and quiet in exclusive surroundings without a care in the world.

无论何时途经巴黎,都可以在登机前进入贵宾室,在独特氛围中享受舒适宁静,把世间烦嚣抛诸脑后。Whenever you travel through Paris, enjoy lounge access before your flight and you can benefit from peace and quiet in exclusive surroundings without a care in the world.

无论何时途经东京,都可以在登机前进入贵宾室,在独特氛围中享受舒适宁静,把世间烦嚣抛诸脑后。Whenever you travel through Tokyo, enjoy lounge access before your flight and you can benefit from peace and quiet in exclusive surroundings without a care in the world.

无论何时途经北京,都可以在登机前进入贵宾室,在独特氛围中享受舒适宁静,把世间烦嚣抛诸脑后。Whenever you travel through Beijing, enjoy lounge access before your flight and you can benefit from peace and quiet in exclusive surroundings without a care in the world.

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无论何时途经休斯敦,都可以在登机前进入贵宾室,在独特氛围中享受舒适宁静,把世间烦嚣抛诸脑后。Whenever you travel through Houston, enjoy lounge access before your flight and you can benefit from peace and quiet in exclusive surroundings without a care in the world.

只要您途经希斯罗机场,就可以在登机前进入贵宾室,在独特氛围中享受舒适宁静,把世间烦嚣抛诸脑后。Whenever you travel through Heathrow, enjoy lounge access before your flight and you can benefit from peace and quiet in exclusive surroundings without a care in the world.

无论何时途经阿姆斯特丹,都可以在登机前进入贵宾室,在独特氛围中享受舒适宁静,把世间烦嚣抛诸脑后。Whenever you travel through Amsterdam, enjoy lounge access before your flight and you can benefit from peace and quiet in exclusive surroundings without a care in the world.

无论何时途经高雄,都可以在登机前进入贵宾室,在独特氛围中享受舒适宁静,把世间烦嚣抛诸脑后。Whenever you travel through Kaohsiung, enjoy lounge access before your flight and you can benefit from peace and quiet in exclusive surroundings without a care in the world.

无论何时途经新德里,都可以在登机前进入贵宾室,在独特氛围中享受舒适宁静,把世间烦嚣抛诸脑后。Whenever you travel through New Delhi, enjoy lounge access before your flight and you can benefit from peace and quiet in exclusive surroundings without a care in the world.

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无论何时途经新加坡,都可以在登机前进入贵宾室,在独特氛围中享受舒适宁静,把世间烦嚣抛诸脑后。Whenever you travel through Singapore, enjoy lounge access before your flight and you can benefit from peace and quiet in exclusive surroundings without a care in the world.

只要您途径格拉斯哥机场,您都可以在登机前进入贵宾室,在良好氛围中享受舒适宁静,远离机场的烦嚣。Whenever you are traveling through Glasgow, enjoy lounge access before your flight and you can benefit from peace and quiet in exclusive surroundings away from the usual hub.

无论何时途经哥本哈根,都可以在登机前进入贵宾室,在独特氛围中享受舒适宁静,把世间烦嚣抛诸脑后。Whenever you travel through Copenhagen , enjoy lounge access before your flight and you can benefit from peace and quiet in exclusive surroundings without a care in the world.