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美使拥有它的人显赫一时。Beauty makes princes of those who have it.

底特律曾经是一座显赫一时、繁荣兴旺的城市。Detroit was once a grand and prosperous city.

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他因为拒绝服从主席而顿然显赫一时。AS a result of his refusal to obey the chairman.

这些显赫一时的中国统治者们在国外的声誉很坏。These quondam rulers of China have had a bad reputation abroad.

他因为拒绝服从主席而顿然显赫一时。He came into prominence as a result of his refusal to obey the chairman.

他因拒绝服从该党关于钢铁国有化的路线而顿然显赫一时。He suddenly came into prominence as a result of his refusal to obey the party-line on the nationalization of steel.

曾经称霸地球显赫一时的恐龙,在白垩纪时代的这次温度巨变中,似乎全都灭绝了。The temperature drop during the Cretaceous period would almost certainly have wiped out an 'abundance' of the world's dinosaurs.

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郑板桥是清代中叶著名的书画家,显赫一时的扬州八怪之一。Zheng Banqiao was a famous calligrapher and painter in the middle of Qing Dynasty, one of the Eight Specially-Talented Geniuses in Yangzhou.

在它围着的那个圈子里,就是约翰-威尔克斯家住宅的遗址。这幢曾经显赫一时的大厦高踞在小山顶上,白柱长廊,庄严宏伟,可现在已沦为一片废墟。Within their circle lay the ruins of John Wilkes' house, the charred remains of that once stately home which had crowned the hill in white- columned dignity.

浑源孙氏在元代显赫一时,祖孙几代都与大同有着直接的联系,为大同的繁荣发展做出了应有的贡献。The Hunuuan family was especially flourishing, and its several generations were directly connected with this Datong, and contributed to the prosperity of Datong.

历史表明那些显赫一时的领导者,通常都是遇到过无数艰难险阻,而他们之所以胜利,是因为他们失败后并没有气馁。History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heart-breaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats.

她的父亲曾担任过尼泊尔的外交和财政部长,其家族是曾经显赫一时的拉娜部落的一支,并一度连续出现过好几位首相。Her father, former Nepal foreign and finance minister in Pashupati Rana, is descended from the Rana clan, the once powerful nobility which established a line of hereditary prime ministers in Nepal.