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斯内普说道。Snape said.

不,他说道。No, he says.

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希瑟说道。Heather said.

“酷,”我说道。"Kewl," I said.

熊熊说道,“一只大棕熊。”A big brown bear.

我柔声继续说道。I went on softly.

喜剧演员比尔·伯尔如此说道。Comedian Bill Burr.

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我自信地说道。I said confidently.

如果你再敢,我说道。If you ever, I said.

安德森说道,“那其实是一种假象。That's really bogus.

凤舞说道。The Feng dance says.

法犸说道。The method Mao says.

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“贾斯汀,”她说道。“Justin, ” she said.

阮公陶说道。Nguyen Cong Tao said.

那只狗说道,“喵!”The dog said, "Meow!"

我轻叹着说道。I lightly sigh to say.

“是我”安东尼说道。"I do, " Anthony said.

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张尕说道,“我们该怎样定义生命?How do you define life?

说道,“你真是个好孩子。You're such a good kid.

“非常,”我低声说道。“Very much,” I whisper.