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有些人不介意孤军作战。Some people don't mind being alone.

当我们以为可以在这世上孤军作战时,我们便迷路了。We become lost when we think we can go it alone in this world.

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我承认自己的努力微不足道,但幸运的是我并非孤军作战。I recognize the feebleness of my effort, but fortunately I am not alone.

另一个我学懂的道理,是不能够孤军作战。Another lesson I have learnt about leadership is that you can’t do it alone.

相当比例的SOA支持者被迫孤军作战,一次成功建立一个过程。There will be plenty of SOA proponents forced to go it alone, building success one process at a time.

太平洋战争的爆发,使中国持续数年之久的对日孤军作战局面宣告结束。The outbreak of the Pacific War ended the situation that China fought against Japan alone for several years.

第一年的事工非常的辛苦!第二年更糟因为我的同事辞职了,我只好孤军作战。The first year there was really tough! It became worse in the second year after my teammate resigned and I was left alone.

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为了找寻蛛丝马迹,忠植一方面协助刑警破案,一方面孤军作战。To search clues, faithful establish helps gumshoe crack a criminal case on one hand, on one hand an isolated force fights.

不论是应付经济衰退,还是防范流感,新加坡人都不会觉得自己在孤军作战。Whether fighting the recession or the flu, we made sure every Singaporean knows he is not alone, but that the community and the country are behind him.

此外,先生们,我们并非孤军作战,主宰各民族命运的正义之神,会号召朋友们为我们而战。Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us.

珍珠港事件是日美两国之间的冲突,但其结果却对作为第三国的中国产生了极为重大的影响,中国持续数年之久的对日孤军作战局面自此宣告结束。The Pearl Harbor Incident was the conflict between Japan and America but had great influence on china which ended the situation that China fought against Japan alone for several years.