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临走时,我的印象很深刻。I left impressed.

印象深刻的乘客?Memorable customers?

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你令我印象深刻。You really impress me.

里德算不上什么深刻的思想者。Mr Reid is not a deep thinker.

伊莱·惠特尼令人印象深刻的展示Eli Whitney's Impressive Display

埃文森的观点令其他科学家印象深刻。Other scientists were impressed.

我确实有一个深刻的欢喜的记忆。I do have one strong, fond memory.

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我可以教给你们一些深刻的教训。I have a profound lesson to teach.

你的骁勇令孩子留下深刻印象。Impress a child with your bravery.

你的能力给我留下深刻印象。I’m very impressed by your skills.

浅显与深刻集于一身。Shallow and deep at the same time.

这是一出寓意深刻的戏。This is a play that packs message.

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你对十堰印象最深刻的是什么?What impresses you most in Shiyan?

以个人见解给人留下深刻印象Be impressive with personal opinion

她的仔细给我留下了深刻印象。I was impressed by her carefulness.

你已经深刻而痛彻地悔过了。You have deeply and sorely repented.

丹尼斯知道它的深刻含义。Dennis knew what this would all mean.

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幸福是更深刻、更持久的情感。It is a deeper, more abiding emotion.

它的后部也是非常让人印象深刻。Its rear part is much more impressive.

你的思想不见得都很深刻。Not all of your thoughts are profound.