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Francis说,“人们可以在任何地方就地取材加以利用。Anything that would work to get stuff to places where people could use it.

它的墙壁就地取材于瓦尔斯的英岩板和草屋顶。It features walls of locally sourced Valser quartzite slabs and a grass roof.

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秦始皇陵出土的陶器和瓦片是否就地取材?。Dose the pottery and tile of the mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang use local materials?

格宾网网箱内填充的石料可就地取材,这是一项新式生态防护技能。The cage gabion mesh filled stone materials, this is a new type of ecological protection skills.

修建“木屋”村小屋的材料大都是就地取材的石头,连屋顶的“瓦片”也是附近山上采来的石片。Most houses in Woodhouse are made of stones, including the roof tiles, acquired from local quarries.

就地取材,加工和提纯方沸石,用于含硫酸盐的水的处理,取得了明显的效果。Analcite was used to remove sulphate after processing and purifying. Experimental effect was obvious.

就地取材,加工和提纯方沸石,用于含硫酸盐的水的处理,取得了明显的效果。Analcite was used to remove sulphate after processing sod purifying. Experimental effect was obvious.

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山砂作为混凝土集料是一种很有发展前途、经济优越性、适合于就地取材的地方材料。Used as an aggregate in concrete, hill sand is a material of promise and economic which can be obtained locally.

悬壁长城就地取材,用山上的石片和山下的黄土分层砌筑,坚固美观。The material of the Great Wall in Suspension came from the local mountain stone pieces and loess, solid and artistic.

土石坝由于就地取材和施工简便,是国内外广泛采用的坝型。Earth-rock dam is widely adopted at home and abroad because of locally-produced raw materials and simple construction.

中央苏区红色设计在中国现代设计史上占据重要地位,它是持实用、就地取材、节省、科学性、文化传承等设计原则。Based on the reguirements and features, the basic principle of colour design of modern machine tool is presented in this paper.

就地取材的农村建筑,如人们在浙江武义山区的农村中所见,在江南地区是有代表性的。In the rural Wuyi villages in Zhejiang province, making use of local sources in building has long been typical in Southern areas.

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广西泥炭资源丰富,就地取材利用泥炭腐植酸,将是保护广西的土壤资源、实现可持续发展的有效措施。To preserver the soil resources and to realize sustainable development, a variety of turfs should be planted in Guangxi Province.

就地取材,对方沸石岩进行提纯和改性,制成多孔方沸石球,用于含氟水的处理,取得了明显的效果。Porous analcite balls were prepared from the analcite rocks after purifying and modification and then were used to remove fluorine.

试验研究结果表明,就筑坝材料来说,水布垭工程就地取材,修建高混凝土面板堆石坝是可行的。The results show that it is feasible to make use of local materials to construct high concrete faced rockfill dam for Shuibuya project.

小屋的选址非常不错——不远处有一条小河,自然景观唯美,植物种类丰富,便于就地取材。The location is very successful – a river not far from the hut, Â nature is extremely beautiful and offers various kinds of useful plants.

我们不但可以就地取材,而且,我们的厨师秉持了丰富的中餐烹调传统,进行过正规的训练。Not only do we have the raw materials here but we have classically trained chefs working within a huge tradition of classical Chinese cooking.

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广西泥炭资源丰富,就地取材利用泥炭腐植酸,将是保护广西的土壤资源,实现可持续发展的有效措施。To preserve the soil resources and to realize sustainable development, a variety of turfs should be planted in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

美国东部地区的木屋、大平原的草屋与西南地区的砖屋都是就地取材。The log houses in the Eastern half of the country, the sod houses of the Great Plains, and the adobe houses of the Southwest all followed this principle.

有的浴室墙面原本就设置有凹槽,这种情况恰好可以就地取材地加以利用。Some bathroom metope have groove with respect to the setting originally, this kind of circumstance is apropos and OK ground of use local materials tries to use.