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那些幼小的植物茁壮成长。The young plants grew lustily.

小雨浸育着小草,使其茁壮成长。The rain helps the grass to grow.

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它茁壮成长,鲜花绽放吐艳!It grows up with blossoms in a crowd.

她在丰富的社会活动中茁壮成长。She thrived on an active social life.

一代新人在茁壮成长。A new generation is reaching maturity.

热带植物在温室里茁壮生长。Tropical plants thrive in a greenhouse.

在阳光的照耀下茁壮成长。I would grow up stongly in the sunshine.

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然而谢里夫及其同类大学继续茁壮成长。Yet Sharif and its ilk continue to thrive.

我儿子没车,他还好好地活着而且还在大学里茁壮成长。My son lives, and thrives, sans car, at college.

在我们的照料下,这些热带植物茁壮生长。The tropical plants thrived well under our care.

没有阳光许多花都不能茁壮成长。Most flowers will not D. thrive without sunshine.

现今,伟通正以惊人的速度茁壮成长。Nowadays, Wei is at an alarming rate grow sturdily.

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且事实上,他也已成为一个更茁壮的游击手。And as it turns out, he also became a bigger shortstop.

鸿海说,它相信苹果将会继续茁壮成长。Hon Hai said it believes Apple will continue to thrive.

要经常以“宽容”来护根,因为这会使幸福的幼苗茁壮成长。Much often with forgiveness, for this will help you grow.

鳄鱼在淡水泥沼和泥灰土草地茁壮成长。Alligators thrive in freshwater sloughs and marl prairies.

天主希望祂的国能在所有人的心中建立起来,茁壮成长。God wants it to grow and rise in the hearts of all people.

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他们就会茁壮成长,除非被教成别的样子。They would thrive, unless it was taught otherwise to them.

木棉剧团正在茁壮成长,就像美丽坚实的木棉花一样。Kapok is growing strong, just like the sturdy, silky flower.

他想象着他播下种子的地方会长出一株茁壮高大的玉米。He imagined a tall stalk of corn where he had planted the seed.