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行行好吧,鱼娘娘!The line do good, fish empress!

可是凝霜觉得娘娘真不该这样。But Ning frost feel empress really not should so.

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皇后娘娘千岁千岁,千千岁。May the Empress live a thousand times a thousand years.

还有他们好像叫自己娘娘?Still have them to appear to call their their own empresses?

偶们多余了啊,他们不就是杨白和韩妃娘娘么?。We don't have to do that! Aren't they Princess Han and Honorary King Mr. Yang Bai?

令陛下和娘娘如此挂念,真是颜卿的过失。Concerning almost thus the his majesty and empress is really the error of Yan Qing.

庙内供奉海神娘娘,是出海渔民祭祀神明的场所。Temple, which is within the Poseidon empress sea fishermen sacrifice the gods places.

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乾隆皇帝听说太后娘娘有病,随手将一把茶叶向袋内一放,日夜赶回京城。The emperor, empress empress sick that will hand to put a tea bags, and back to Beijing.

青女叩见皇后娘娘。皇后娘娘,您选的是茜素红吗?Your servant Qing bows before Your Majesty, Your Majesty. Is this the red you had chosen?

只是听说德妃娘娘在宫里可受宠着呢!Just hear that the virtuous imperial concubine empress can receive great favors in the temple!

等一等!禀皇上,皇后娘娘,青女愿与太子同行。Wait! Your Majesties, the Emperor and Empress. Your servant Qing begs to accompany the Prince.

如今好了,有皇后娘娘替你们打算,那是再妥当不过的。At present favor, have the empress the empress to propose for you, that is again applicable whatsoever.

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因为皇帝有很多老婆,三宫六院,这个正宫娘娘妒嫉她,就把她杀死了,这个香妃也就不香了。The emperor had many wives, and his jealous empress had her killed, after which she was no longer fragrant.

在杭州南部,有一片神奇的土地,相传是女娲娘娘采石补天的地方。In the south part of Hangzhou, there is a magic land said to be the place where the goddess Nvwa patched the sky.

偶们在韩妃村的小店里稍事休息,便来到韩妃庙参观和拜谒韩妃娘娘。We toke a rest at one village shop in Village of Princess Han, and then went to visit Princess Han in her temple.

在我国,广泛存在着“铸钟娘娘”等为代表的“铸造牺牲”传说和记载。In our country, there exist lots of tales and records about foundry sacrifice with the story of Bell Lady as representative.

“娘娘,乌雅凌薇又被叫到慈宁宫了。”珊瑚接到消息后进屋禀报道。"Empress, dark Ya Ling Wei again pedal call Ci rather temple. "The coral receives newspaper juniors house to report to report.

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“老奴安海,见过贵妃娘娘。”安海慢慢走到近前,直接就在秦岚面前跪了下来。"Old Nu Anne's sea once sees the regal concubine empress. "Anne's sea slowly walks to approach front, direct knelt down in Qin Lan's in front.

直郁郁寡欢,皇后娘娘可是替宁王担忧得很呢,已经几次三番赐人入府了。Keeping is depressed, empress empress is because prefer does the chief worry quite, yet several periods 3 granted a person to go into a mansion.

她现在是贵妃娘娘了,明日一早她就会回来,你好好的梳洗一下吧。She was the imperial concubine empress now, tomorrow she will come behind early in the morn, you thoroughly wash face and comb hair for a while.