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难以入睡,我就回到原先的卧室,盘查了衣柜大门,搜寻着墙上的蛛丝马迹,试图从这所老屋里找出我记忆里所有的东西。I return to the first room. Open and shut the closet door.

侦探们正在敦国家美术馆的走廊里盘查。SLEUTHS are stalking the corridors of London's National Gallery.

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被盘查的人数正在上升,同时犯罪率在下降。And the numbers are rising at the same time crime rates are dropping.

警方已经开展了谋杀调查,一名32岁的男子在接受警方盘查。A murder inquiry has been launched, and a 32-year-old man is being questioned.

在费城,从2007年至2008年,盘查数将近翻了超过两百万的一倍。In Philadelphia, stops nearly doubled to more than 200, 000 from 2007 to 2008.

有一次渔船遭遇朝鲜海军巡逻艇盘查。During one journey, the fishing boat was boarded by a North Korean naval patrol.

一些平常不受盘查的俱乐部突然在执照上遇到麻烦。Clubs that had operated with impunity are suddenly having trouble with their licenses.

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街头盘查开始增多,整体犯罪在一个曾经危险的都市戏剧性的下降了。Street stops started to go up, and overall crime dropped dramatically in a once-dangerous city.

反对派武装人员在的黎波里各个入口均设置了哨卡,盘查当地过往车辆。The opposition fighters in tripoli each entry set agents are local, quarantine passing vehicles.

对于任何一个在这里待过几天的人来说,上校提到的“夜里挨家挨户敲门盘查”指的是什么都再清楚不过。The reference to knocking down doors at night is clear to anyone who has spent more than a couple of days here.

如果基线发生了可疑的变化,就把这个人带走进一步进行盘查。If the baseline changes in a way that is suspicious, the individual can be ushered away for further questioning.

对警察盘查权的规范应该从盘查权的启动,即当场盘问和检查做起。The standard of the police interrogation and check must begin with starting-on-the-spot interrogation and check.

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盘查系介于任意性调查行为与强制性调查行为之间的中间行为。Interrogation and check is an intermediate behavior between inoffensive investigation and compulsory investigation.

小朴想进太平镇时遇上盘查,他让人先将买好的药品藏起来,等和孙少勇汇合后再做打算。Small park want to go to taiping town in quarantine, he let people will buy good drugs hidden, etc and after Sun Shaoyong rendezvous.

伊斯兰堡许多建筑的外围都竖起了水泥墙,入口处设有检查哨,盘查过往车辆,以防自杀式炸弹袭击者的攻击。Lots of buildings were surrounded by concrete blocks, and there were checkpoints for incoming vehicles to guard against suicide bombs.

警察每年在美国主要城市盘查超过一百万民众,这个数字比往年急剧升高。Police in major U.S. cities stop and question more than a million people each year — a sharply higher number than just a few years ago.

据报道,去年12月,韩国海警在全罗北道群山市前海盘查非法捕捞的中国渔船。According to reports, last December, Han Guohai Police in Gunsan, North Jeolla inventory before the sea of Chinese illegal fishing boats.

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比如将连续三个月实施鞭炮禁放政策,进入北京的卡车和信件均要接受近距离盘查等。For three months, for example, fireworks will be banned. Lorries entering Beijing have been coming under closer inspection. So has the mail.

到了英国,第一道考验人的手续就是过移民局,所有持学生签证的人都会被叫到一个小屋里盘查一番。The first test I met on the land was going through the border agency. All the people with student visas were gathered to a small room and questioned.

在那个时候,瑟志只需要把他的警察徽章和反恐单位的证件拿出来晃一下,然后盘查我们的警察就会和我们道歉,向我们致敬,然后放行。All Serge would have to do is pull out his police badge and counter-terrorist unit card and the police would apologise, salute us and let us go on our way.