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度蜜月时,丈母娘是个大电灯泡。A mother-in-law on a honeymoon is a fifth wheel.

丈母娘鞭促房价高歌猛进。Mothers-in-law improve the rising housing price.

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他的丈母娘主动拨空到农场帮忙。His mother-in-law offered to spend some time on his farm.

知道重婚后最大的惩罚是什么吗?两个丈母娘。Do you know the punishment for bigamy? Two mother -in-laws.

我妻子,我儿子,我丈母娘,我丈人和我。My wife, my son, my mother-in-law , my father-in-law and I.

就在这时,圣诞夫人告诉老头子,丈母娘要来。Then Mrs. Claus told Santa that her mother was coming to visit.

据说重婚者受到的最大惩罚是——两个丈母娘。The maximum punishment for bigamy is said to be two mothers-in-law.

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中国的准丈母娘们似乎是不饶人的一群。Chinese mothers-in-law to-be, it seems, can be an unforgiving bunch.

我们具有冒险精神的14个月大的儿子Luke有一次在我丈母娘家。Luke, our venturesome 14-month-old son, was at my mother-in-law's house.

我一直很疑惑为什么我的丈母娘习惯拔掉烤面包机的电源。I'm puzzled by my mother-in-law’s habit of keeping her toaster unplugged.

不请自来的忠告,几乎都不受人欢迎特别是来自丈母娘的。Unsolicited advice is almost always unwelcome, especially from a mother-in-law.

几天后,农夫的丈母娘被骡子踢到而伤重不治。A few days later, the farmer's mother-in-law was killed when his mule kicked her.

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度假的时候我总是带上老丈母娘,这样就不用跟她吻别啦。I always take the mother-in-law on holiday. It saves me having to kiss her goodbye.

比如下一项是“蛋”,而第二个特征物是“丈母娘的照片”。Suppose the next item is ‘eggs’ and the second feature is ‘picture of mother-in-law’.

女婿们常爱拿难缠多事的丈母娘开开玩笑。It is usually husbands who crack the jokes about difficult, interfering mothers-in-law.

想想看,如果你未来丈母娘或者女友闺蜜对你怨言不断,你会怎样呢?Just imagine what will happen if your mother-in-law-to-be or friends are angry with you.

秦冰告诉关海她妈要来,关海很高兴,终于要见丈母娘了。Qin Bing tell pass her mother to come, pass is very happy, finally to see the mother-in-law.

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就在这时,圣诞夫人告诉老头子,丈母娘要来。圣诞老人更焦虑了。Then Mrs. Claus told Santa that her mother was coming to visit. This stressed Santa even more.

今天丈母娘来我们家住,帮我们照看刚出生的小宝宝。Today, my mother-in-law stayed over at our house to watch over our newborn while I was at work.

我开车送我丈母娘回家途中出大事儿了。她从行李架上掉下来了。The mother-in-law had a terrible accident as I was driving her home. She fell off the roof rack.