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他可能会夺占我们的田地。He might foray our lands.

那田地正在休耕中。The field was lying fallow.

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鸡在田地到处啄食。Chicken picked about the field.

他们的田地都只是一些牧场。Their fields are mere paddocks.

他们在田地里播了麦种。They sowed the fields with wheat.

有些田地里出现了草荒。The weeds run riot in some fields.

你怎么落到这步田地!How did you get into such a plight?

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这些田地又恢复成荒地。The fields have reverted to moorland.

山前是一片绿油油的田地。In front of the hill are green fields.

于是,它们在田地里长成了两棵树。Upon that, they grew up into two trees.

他决不会把自己的名声辱没到这般田地。He would never disgrace his name so far.

收获之后他的田地已经翻过了。His field has been hacked after harvest.

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那块田被分割成小块田地。The land was separated into small pieces.

标明了那块田地的周界。A fence marked the perimeter of the field.

一道篱笆标明了那块田地的周界。A fence marked the perimeter of the field.

他们在丛林地带中开拓出大约300英亩田地。They cleared some 300 acres in the jungle.

一片田地上你看不到犁车。That field of corn, would never see a plow.

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他们每年在田地里轮种几种庄稼They rotated crops in the field every year.

水顺着渠道流进田地里。Water runs along the channel to the fields.

田地经过不时旳休耕可得到改良。Fields are improved by lying fallow at times.