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我赶快回头。I hastened back.

我回头望着她。I looked back at her.

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所以,还是回头说竞选吧。So, back to the campaign.

干吗不回头看一看呢?Why do you not look round.

如何吃得“回头草”?How to eat, "back to grass"?

我回头凝望着商业大道。I looked down Market Street.

美国,我们不能回头。America, we cannot turn back.

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浪子回头已经太迟。The prodigal son is too late.

让我们回头想想地图的类推。Think back to our map analogy.

再回头看那些玫瑰花吧!Go and look again at the roses.

回头要好好提高搜身术咯。I gotta get better at frisking.

小孩们回头看看他,笑著,跑掉了。Children turn and run and laugh.

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丹同意回头去珍妮特被撞的地方。Dan agrees to go back for Janet.

回头你好好研究研究就知道啦。You should go back to and study.

好马不吃回头草。Grass does not back a good horse.

他回头发现了一只羔羊。He looked back then found a lamb.

回头咱也去买一个。I will buy one after I come back.

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你能回头并和好如初吗?Can you turn around and reconnect?

回头望,笑看往昔危亡。Look back, and smile at perils past.

走了壹条路地时候,记得别回头看。Go way, do not remember looking back.