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燃气鼓风双头双尾灶。Blasting gas stove with Two Head Stov.

采用45℃鼓风干燥对脱水菌丝体进行干燥处理2.5小时。The de-water biomass were dried at 45℃for 2.5 hours.

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高炉脱湿鼓风技术随着喷吹技术的发展而迅速发展。The furnace dehumidified blast technology develops with the blowing technique.

行动是进步的帆,只有用勇气鼓风才能为帆起浪。Fan action is a sign of progress, and only with courage can blast fan troubles.

氩主要作为覆盖气体对鼓风口提供保护。The argon typically acts as a "shroud" gas to provide protection to the tuyere.

鼓风湿度增加是锰铁高炉夏秋两季生产指标差的根本原因。Blast humidity increasing is the basic reason of bad index in summer and autumn.

高炉鼓风中由于湿度是不断波动的,会对高炉操作及顺行带来影响。The humidify in BF blast is fluctuant, it affects the operation and smooth of BF.

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还对发展富氧鼓风技术提出了建议。Proposals for development of the oxygen-enriched blast technique are made as well.

探索了将鼓风干燥机用于制备蔬菜粉的可能性。In this paper, a drum wind dryer was applied to the manufacture of vegetable powder.

精料技术、富氧鼓风技术、炼焦技术等发展。The development of technology of conceration ore, oxygen rich blast and refine coke.

只有减小多个风口的面积,才会增大所有风口的鼓风动能。Only decreasing the areas of major tuyeres will increase the kinetic energy of every tuyere.

在高炉实际操作中,合理的鼓风速率和燃烧温度是高炉炉况顺行的保障。Rational air blast rate and combustion temperature are required for the successful operation of BF.

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他还以化学家的身份,帮人设计了一个生产高品质铸铁的热鼓风工序。In his capacity as a chemist, he helped devise a hot-blast process for producing high-quality cast iron.

由此得出了相应于零鼓风量下用来计算间隙尺寸的公式。Formulas for predicting the clearance size corresponding zero flowrate is also presented in the present paper.

对循环鼓风两段炉今后的技术发展和应用进行了部分探讨。And the two blast furnaces for the next cycle of technology development and applications were explored as well.

某冶炼厂铅鼓风烧结风箱内布风存在严重的涡流现象与偏析现象。There existed strong vortex and uneven distributing wind in the bellows of lead updraft sintering in a smelter.

高压鼓风使旧砂处于沸腾状态,达到最佳冷却效果。High voltage blasting lets the used sand to be under boiling state, therefore best cooling effect can be reached.

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整个控制系统由模糊控制器、鼓风曝气系统、频调速装置和溶解氧测试仪组成。The control system consists of fuzzy controller, blast and aeration system, frequency control equipment and DO tester.

微型竖炉球团法又分鼓风竖炉和抽风竖炉两种工艺。In this article, two processes are introduced, i. e. cold consolidation cake, minor shaft sintering furnace pelletizing.

将微型计算机应用于污水处理过程中,构成一个曝气池鼓风量自动监测系统。With microcomputer, a automatic measuring system of blast volume for the bursting gas pool in sewage treatment was built.