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没有演义厅和迪吧!There are no historical novel hall and Di!

二月河先生是一位清史演义题材的著名小说家。Mr. Er Yuehe is a celebrated novelist on Qing Dynasty.

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大多数孩子喜欢大自然真实的电影盛过喜欢演义的电影。Many children like animated movies better than live-action movies.

此时此刻,站长演义网成立了,帮助中国的网站运营者。At this moment, owners Kingdoms network set up to help Web site operators in China.

我还记得他唱的隋唐演义,有几句记忆非常深刻,今天也会哼哼。I remember him singing Suitangyanyi, there are a few very deep memory, today will hum.

永恒的演义故事如下六个派系斗争获得至高无上的土地。Timeless Kingdoms follows the story of six factions struggles to gain supremacy over the land.

观看影片从奥德赛演义研究罗灵希本田圣若瑟,密苏里州,圣若瑟服务。Watch the video of romance Honda Odyssey Rolling St. Joseph, Missouri, and services of St. Joseph.

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他们还说,他们经常进行演义,蜷伏在课桌底下以躲避从教室外经过的车上扫射来的子弹。They also said they did practice drills crouching under their desks in the event of a drive-by shooting.

至今传统布袋戏,仍以武戏、历史演义为主的小说戏码为主流。So far the traditional puppet shows are still military drama, historical fiction novel based drama in the mainstream.

出风头的流行歌手捧回最佳短形式的视频雕像“坏演义”打奖领跑者阿姆。The flamboyant pop singer took home the best short-form video statuette for "Bad Romance, " beating awards front-runner Eminem.

解决好这些问题,无疑有裨于明清历史演义理论研究的进一步开展。Resolutions of these problems will promote the development of the research on the historical novels of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

这种永远持有的盼望饰演的第一个巨大的科幻演义,儒勒凡尔纳的2.0万在海上同盟之一的首要构成部分。This long-held desire plays an important part in one of the first great science fiction novels, Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

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对于一个正演义媒介即资讯的公司来说他也能展现媒介和资讯有时相矛盾。For a company that has demonstrated that the medium makes the message, it stands to reason that the medium will sometimes contradict the message, too.

但对世界多数国家来说,重要的是谁的金牌最多,而美国、加拿大、挪威和德国正在为争夺金牌榜榜首位置上演一出四国演义。But the race for most golds, which is what matters to most of the world, is setting up as a four-way battle among the U.S., Canada, Norway and Germany.

当然,这些仅仅是民间神话传说,含有较多的演义附会成份,不足以成为当时女子缠足的凭证。Of course, these only folk myths and legends, contains more Kingdoms will be attached to components, not enough women had bound feet became the credentials.

第二章将在“历史的文本性”这一概念的指导下,探索作品中真实记载的历史材料和历史故事演义背后的深层意义。The second chapter will explore the deep meanings of real historic events and interpretation of some historic stories under the guide of Textuality of History.

明代书坊主不仅通过刊刻参与历史小说的传播,而且还以自身的创作实践,对演义小说的发展和繁荣做出了重大的贡献。The owner of the book workshop spread the historical novels by printing. Meanwhile, they contributed a lot to the development and booming of the historical novels.

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这意味着,有没有内在的矛盾演义信仰和自然法,启示和科学事业,神圣与世俗,或宗教和文化。This means there is no inherent contradiction between the kingdoms of faith and natural law, revelation and science, the sacred and the secular, or religion and culture.

黄氏作品电脑装置作品「帘卷诗」亦曾于香港艺术馆零八年五月之「数码演义」展览中展出。His creative works have also been exhibited in venues such as the Hong Kong Museum of Art, where his computational installation, Curtain of Script, was showcased in 2008.

中国古代小说不仅在长篇历史演义、世情小说中存在着大量谋略描写,而且在文言短篇小说中也有着精彩纷呈的谋略描写。Vivid descriptions on strategy can be found in various Chinese ancient fiction, such as historical romance, popular novels, and short stories written in classical Chinese as well.